
Animation and Media Arts Talk Series: Moving Tales of HK Animation

Open to all AF students

Winnie Fu 傅慧儀

Speaker’s Bio: 

Winnie Fu specializes in Hong Kong Film History and media culture, with over 20 years’ experience in curatorial, exhibition management, and editorial projects. She was Programmer of the Hong Kong Film Archive from 1998 to 2017, where she curated exhibitions of film history and moving images and edited related exhibition catalogues and programme booklets. In 2017, she founded the cultural organization CoDeCode Limited where she curated a number of cross-disciplinary art and cultural exhibitions between 2017 and 2019.

She has published an edited book, titled Frame After Frame – A Retrospective on Hong Kong Animation, which is a collection of oral histories by interviewing Hong Kong animators active from the 1960s until 2006. Her latest curatorial projects include Moving Tales of Hong Kong Animation – Oral History Project for the Hong Kong Arts Center, which is a volume of oral histories on Hong Kong animations by interviewing animators active from 2006 to the present.

傅慧儀為編輯、影評、策展人,籌劃各類型展覽、設計和出版項目。1998-2017年間任香港電影資料館節目策劃,籌備多項以電影歷史及影視創意為主題的展覽,兼任多本展覽場刊及節目簡介的編輯。自2017年成立一二一二有限公司 (CoDeCode Limited),主導文化項目,在2017至2019年間曾策劃多項與藝術創作及文化有關的跨界別展覽。

Presenting Unit: