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  • 3 Nov 2020 The Standard: Uni film awards to go ahead

    Having organized the Global Chinese Universities Student Film and Television Festival since 2003, the Academy of Film at Hong Kong Baptist University has decided to go international instead of being limited to the Chinese language world, in response to president Roland Chin's ambition.

    Envisioned as a University Oscars since its launch in 2018, the first Global University Film Awards took only nine months to prepare.

    It received an unexpected 1,841 short films from 99 countries and regions.

    The awards were one of the most celebrated international events in the city, gathering world-class film professionals and scholars and more than 300 international students to celebrate the three days of shortlisted film screenings and a series of masterclasses.

    It drew young film enthusiasts from across the world and raised their expectations for future awards.

    Unfortunately, the second GUFA was not so lucky. Due to the city's social unrest last year, it was postponed to April this year from last November, and was then caught up in the global Covid-19 outbreak.

    With no grand opening with marvelous light shows, no chance to talk with veteran filmmakers and no idea exchanges and network fostering when meeting other experts, it was disappointing.

    "It's understandable if they feel disappointed, but it's not necessarily a negative thing," said Man Shu-sum, GUFA's vice chair and associate director of the Academy of Film.

    "A good storyteller needs different life experiences, and I believe that their experiences during the outbreak, including an online version of GUFA, would be a rare collective memory in their life."

    It received 2,503 submissions from 104 countries and regions, including film festival frequenters like Britain, the United States, Germany, China and India, and minor countries in the industry such as Venezuela and Yemen. Winners will be chosen from 48 shortlisted films in six categories: narrative, Asian narrative, documentary, animation, experimental and the HKBU Academy of Film's choice.

    Knowing how important and motivating it is for those taking part to be honored and recognized on a grand occasion, GUFA's chair and director of the Academy of Film Eva Man Kit-wah said the organizing team has tried its best to make it memorable.

    "They deserve a celebration," she said.

    The organizer will hold an award presentation ceremony on November 6 from 7 to 9.30 pm at the university's Academic Community Hall on the Kowloon Tong campus. Audiences can expect award presentations from big names in the industry, such as Chang Ai-chia, Hui On-wah and To Kei-fung.

    The ceremony will also be live on GUFA's YouTube channel, while a recorded TV broadcast will be aired to the public on Hong Kong International Business Channel at 9 pm on November 15.

    Although most people will not attend, all the winners have prepared a 90-second video of an acceptance speech to introduce their city, their film schools and the story behind the film, followed by a video of the categories' chief jury.

    The judging panel of GUFA 2020 comprises of more than 30 film professionals and scholars, including Disney's animation producer Max Howard, documentary filmmaker Christian Frei and media theorist Siegfried Zielinski - invited by Eva Man in person when attending the Berlin International Film Festival.

    "They are very willing to participate in the judging work because they are excited by the high quality of those films produced by the young talents, who never limit themselves to any paradigms and tell what they really believe in their stories," she said.

    Although there is no specific theme, many films GUFA has received this year invariably show humanistic care.

    For example, an animation from France, No Gravity, depicts the story of an astronaut struggling to stay grounded and connected to a world with gravity again. Mother's, a documentary from Belgium, shows four generations of a family making a living as drag queens.

    Chen Chen tells the story of a guy who wants sex workers to serve his cerebral palsy brother after discovering the disabled also have sexual desires like ordinary people.

    Eva Man said the films are sure to be an inspiration to all people, especially students in Hong Kong. "For Hong Kong, the city's positioning to go international is essential, and students must have a global perspective," she said.

    Man Shu-sum agreed that the greatest significance of GUFA is to allow student film enthusiasts worldwide to collude culturally and intellectually.

    At the next GUFA, expected to be held in 2022, Eva Man believes that we will see down-to-earth and social-issues-related films. She is also looking forward to the documentary unit.

    "The world has changed a lot, and in the past year we have witnessed the imbalance of social values and the struggle of people in Hong Kong. The real world is more dramatic than we imagine."

    In response to the national security law, she added that GUFA will be an open platform without censorship, as the school always encourages students to tell the stories that they believe in and what they care about.

    Until November 8, the online screenings of about 150 shortlisted and finalist films will be available for free to audiences registered at af.hkbu.edu.hk/gufa/en.


    Original link:


  • 30 Oct 2020 Wen Wei Po: Global University Film Awards will announce winners next month





    「『全球大學電影獎』創造了一個國際平台,讓世界各地的電影學生展示才華、交流意念和建立網絡。」香港浸會大學電影學院總監文潔華教授認為,參賽作品讓她和評審團隊看見一眾才華橫溢的年輕電影人出色的製作技巧,雖然成本比商業電影低,但學生對於人性認知和剖析的深度讓他們感到相當讚嘆和驚喜。他們期望通過電影獎發掘更多明日之星,讓有志在影視界發展的學生在世界的電影院發光發熱。 文:陳苡楠

    Original link:


  • 23 Oct 2020 Stand News: The Global University Film Awards Ceremony will be held in November, featuring Ann Hui and Johnnie To


    由香港浸會大學主辦的第二屆「全球大學電影獎」將於 11 月 6 日進行頒獎典禮,許鞍華、杜琪峰及張艾嘉等影人擔任頒獎嘉賓。瑞士導演 Christian Frei、德國電影學者 Siegfried Zielinski、本地導演譚家明等專家,從二千多部來自全球各地的作品中,選出 19 部得獎作。至於港區國安法會否影響到全球大學電影獎,文潔華強調絕不會進行任何審查。

    浸大電影學院副總監文樹森、浸大電影學院總監文潔華、學生李添朗及 MELLOY Taighan Nisha

    浸大電影學院副總監文樹森、浸大電影學院總監文潔華、學生李添朗及 MELLOY Taighan Nisha

    文潔華透露,本屆全球大學電影獎原訂於 2019 年 11 月舉行,但受社會事件影響延期至今年 4 月,殊不知 4 月又遇上本地疫情爆發,最終敲定今年 11 月 6 日在浸會大學大學會堂舉行頒獎禮。本屆共有來自全球 104 個國家或地區包括法國、德國、香港、伊朗、黎巴嫩、波多黎各、南韓、美國、委內瑞拉、也門等地的 2,503 份大學生作品參賽,其中 63 份來自香港。

    全球大學電影獎分成六個比賽組別包括:「劇情片」、「亞洲劇情片」、「紀錄片」、「動畫」、「實驗片」,以及「浸大電影學院特別推薦」。進入決賽的 48 部作品本週末(24 至 25 日)將於大館進行免費放映,公眾亦可於 26 日起網上觀看約 150 部入圍作品。



    來自香港的「浸大電影學院特別推薦」組別參賽作品《CHEN CHEN》劇照

    來自香港的「浸大電影學院特別推薦」組別參賽作品《CHEN CHEN》劇照

    來自愛爾蘭的「劇情片」組別參賽作品《I Am Not A Monster》劇照

    來自愛爾蘭的「劇情片」組別參賽作品《I Am Not A Monster》劇照



    來自比利時的「實驗片」組別參賽作品《A Dialogue with Cyberspace》劇照

    來自比利時的「實驗片」組別參賽作品《A Dialogue with Cyberspace》劇照

    演技藝術學士開課八星期   疫情下國際生減少

    浸大電影學院今年開辦的本科課程「環球螢幕演技藝術學士(榮譽)學位」已開學八星期。首屆錄取了 16 名學生,文潔華強調參考國外戲劇學院經驗,每屆 16 位學生是最佳的教學規模,不宜再增加人數。

    文潔華透露,原計畫本地生與國際生收生各半,但受疫情影響各國實施出入境限制,部分國際生無法入學,因此本屆最終錄取了 12 名本地生及 4 名國際生。

    系方邀請了兩位本地一年級生 MELLOY Taighan Nisha 以及李添朗分享其學習經歷。在香港土生土長的 Taighan,16 歲時前往英國倫敦接受戲劇訓練,後來特地回港修讀此課程,因認為課程涵蓋劇場、影視等表演範疇,會有較多機會。她又強調香港是她的家,一直希望可以回來。


    全球大學電影獎於 2018 年首次舉辦,致力於鼓勵和發掘世界各地學生日益多元化的電影作品。









  • 23 Oct 2020 Ming Pao: This year's film awards accept 2500 works HKBU Academy of Film: Space Shrinking under National Security Law, No Censorship



    稱一年變化多 料下屆作品好貼地







  • 23 Oct 2020 SkyPost: HKBU organizes GUFA 2020, shortlist films free to watch online






  • 23 Oct 2020 HK01: "University Oscars" Awards Ceremony will be held in the coming month The Academy: No Censorship





    浸會大學電影學院舉辦的「全球大學電影獎」踏入第二屆,頒獎禮將於下月6日在校內大學會堂舉行,並在網上即時直播。 學院今年收到來自全球104個國家或地區、逾2,500份參賽作品,當中有62份來自香港,以競逐「劇情片」、「亞洲劇情片」、「紀錄片」、「動畫」、「實驗片」以及「浸大電影學院特別推薦」6個類別、共19個獎項。 浸大電影學院副總監文樹森表示,參賽的作品雖然是學生製作,但是拍攝技巧達專業水平,內容亦大膽創新,今年參賽影片在內容思維上有突破,如有以科幻主題包裝的愛情動畫故事,講述太空人重返地球後,在地球生活及戀愛的挑戰,令人印像深刻。


    料下屆作品更具社會性  學院:《國安法》下不作審查



    至於獎項評審會否因應《港區國安法》設「紅線」,文潔華強調大學不會有任何審查,認為大學要有良好信念,「如果GUFA唔係開放平台,意義無咗, 辦嚟都無意思。」




    Original Link:


  • 23 Oct 2020 Wen Wei Po: 16 students enrolled in HKBU's first "Global Screen Acting" programme

    香港文匯報訊(記者 郭虹宇)要全面發掘年輕人的潛能,多元化的培育至關重要。針對演藝層面,浸會大學本學年首次開辦全新的「環球熒幕演技藝術學士」課程,為目前獲資助大學中唯一以演藝為主修的藝術學士課程,取錄16名學生包括4名非本地生。有學生受課程吸引專程由英國來港升學,希望能為其當演員的夢想鋪路,亦有學生指課程由身兼知名電影演員、編劇、導演的海外學者擔任,希望能從中學習外國的表演體系,拓寬自己的演藝路。


    浸大電影學院昨舉行傳媒茶敘講述最新發展,學院總監文潔華介紹指,新開辦的「環球熒幕演技藝術學士」課程內容主要融合電影業界、舞台、媒體科技等平台對演技的要求,並由知名電影演員、編劇、導演Michael Bray任課程主任,學院同時積極聯繫世界各地的優秀演員擔任導師,近日已有一著名戲劇、音樂劇演員應邀,即將抵港加入指導學生。




    獲錄取的Melloy Taighan Nisha昨日分享指,自己出生於香港,之前一直在英國唸書,今次是被此課程吸引特意回港升學,希望成就當演員的夢想。本港學生李添朗則認為,在Michael Bray的帶領下,可以學習外國的表演體系,拓寬自己的戲路,裝備充實自己。兩人都對未來課程所學充滿憧憬和熱情。




    Original Link:


  • 22 Oct 2020 HKCNA: More than 2,500 films competing in the Global University Film Awards of HKBU










    Original Link:


  • 22 Oct 2020 HKCNA: Ann Hui will join the Global University Film Awards in the coming month












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  • 16 Oct 2020 Master Insight: More than 2,500 films from around the world compete for HKBU Global University Film Awards 2020


    動畫組別參賽作品《No Gravity》劇照

    動畫組別參賽作品《No Gravity》劇照









    劇情片組參賽作品《The Last Children in Paradise》劇照

    劇情片組參賽作品《The Last Children in Paradise》劇照











    Original Link:


  • 1 Oct 2020 | Announcement of Finalists

    We are excited to announce the finalist entries for different categories of GUFA 2020!
    Check out the finalists of Narrative, Asian Narrative, Documentary, Animation, Experimental, Best Director, Best Script, Gold Award and HKBU Academy of Film's Choice on our social media!

  • 23 Sep 2019 | Announcement of Shortlist

    After the adjudication of a total of 2,503 submissions from 104 countries and regions, we are excited to announce the shortlisted entries for different categories of GUFA 2020 !
    Check out the shortlist of Narrative, Asian Narrative, Documentary, Animation, and Experimental Film on our social media!

  • 22 Jun 2019 | Submission Closed

    Submission has been closed on 22 June 2019. Please keep an eye on our next submission. 

  • 15 Apr 2019 | Call for Submission

    Submission is now OPEN! Submit your short film from 15 April 2019 to 22 June 2019! 


    | Terence Chang

    Jeffrey Wong Ping-hei was all smiles when he came to our afternoon tea. He was at the trophy presentation of the Global University Film Awards the evening before.

    He was happy because Adulting, a short movie he wrote and directed, was shortlisted for the Best Chinese-language Film award.

    "What made me even happier was that the movie finally won in the [Hong Kong Baptist University] Academy of Film's Choice category, and I received the award from Steve Chan Chi-fat, director of Weeds on Fire," Wong said.

    The half-hour drama involved thorough pre-production work. Wong then worked almost non-stop for six days to complete shooting.

    "My friends all pitched in without getting pay, making it possible for me to produce the film with an almost impossible budget of only HK$50,000," he said.

    Adulting deals with the quandary that the post-90s generation found to be their reality and dilemma of having to decide if compromising is the way out.

    One can see Wong's skills just by looking at scene juxtaposition.

    The treatment of the interaction between the two female and male protagonists wasn't at all banal. I found the work permeated by a French New Wave film feel.

    "I like to use black humor in my films. Living has never been easy, and the post-'90s have to struggle for survival between art and reality," he said. "The male protagonist had to choose whether to go to the mainland to make money.

    The woman had to find ways to help the man solve his financial predicament."

    Her way of doing that was to rob a convenience store.

    She used a scarf to hide her face, but the storekeeper still recognized her. So she rushed out of the shop and robbed someone in a wheelchair instead.

    What appeared to be absurd and ludicrous was in fact sad and pitiable.

    "In the plot, the man seemed heartless and the woman naive and willful.

    "But that was only a facade that should inspire questions about the issues our generation has to face, questions that adults may not understand," Wong said.

    Adulting - in present continuous tense - is a non-stop process all young people have to go through.

    Wong loves to write scripts and make movies.

    "It's a difficult road, but I don't mind. When we are young, we should face a little hardship to do things we love to do," he concluded.

    Terence Chang Cheuk-cheung is the retired headmaster of Diocesan Boys School


    Original Link: http://www.thestandard.com.hk/section-news.php?id=202770&story_id=50025752&d_str=20181129