
Ph.D. (Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Area of Interests: 
Comparative Aesthetics / Neo-Confucian Philosophy / Feminist Aesthetics and Philosophy / Gender Studies / Cultural Studies

Major Highlights: 
文潔華教授自選集】。粵港澳大灣區學術精品文庫•香港高校講座教授自選集。 廣東: 廣東人民出版社。2023年12月。(Forth Coming)
Comparative Everyday Aesthetics: East-West Studies in Contemporary Living, edited by Eva Kit Wah Man & Jeffrey Petts, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, March 2023, pp.296.

Cross- Cultural Reflections on Chinese Aesthetics, Gender, Embodiment and Learning, Singapore: Springer Nature PTE co., Feb 2020, pp. 200. 

2019 【香港當代編舞家作品研究(1980-2010)——身體:歷史、美學及身份探求】。香港: IATC。2019年10月。共頁256。(香港藝術發展局出版資助項目。) 

【香港視覺藝術家 (1970-1980) : 新水墨運動後的實驗與挪移】。香港: 商務印書館。2018年2月。共頁256。(香港藝術發展局出版資助項目。)

2018 Outstanding Performance in Public Services (Arts and Culture), Secretary for Home Affairs’ Commendation Scheme, Home Affiars Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Cross-Cultural Reflections on Chinese Aesthetics, Gender, Embodiment and Learning, Singapore: Springer Nature PTE co., 2018. (Forth coming with book contract).
【香港視覺藝術家 (1970-1980) : 新水墨運動後的實驗與挪移】。香港: 商務印書館。2018年2月。共頁256。(06/2019 香港藝術發展局出版資助項目。) 

“The Aesthetics and the Regional Identity Strategies of A Post-Colonial Project: The Case of Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Cultural District and Its Aftermath" in Aysen Savas ed., Jale N. Erzen Testimonial, Ankara: METU Univ. Press, Feb., 2017, pp. 159-175.

“Female Bodies in China: Literati Fantasies, Iron Girls and Olympics Hoopla”, Artistic Visions and the Promise of Beauty: Cross Cultural Perspectives. K M Higgins, S. Maira & S. Sikka (ed.) Switzerland: Springer, October 2017. pp. 103-124.

Bodies in China: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Gender and Politics, NYC: State University of New York Press (SUNY) and Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 255 pages. November, 2016.

2015 Issues of Contemporary Art and Aesthetics in the Chinese Context. Heidelburg (Germany): Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Sept, 2015. (ISBN :978-3-662-46509-7, 120 pages.
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Academic Preparation

1987 - 1990 Ph.D. in Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1984 - 1987 M. Phil. in Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1975 - 1979

B.A.(Hons), The Chinese University of Hong Kong  

 (major: Philosophy, minor: Psychology)

Employment History

2017 Member, Institute of Creativity (IoC), HKBU 
2017 Chair Professor in Humanities, HKBU 
2017 – 2022 Director, Academy of Film, HKBU 
2014 – 2017 Executive Associate Dean, Graduate School, HKBU
2011 – 2012 Director, Academy of Visual Arts, HKBU (Acting)
2013 – 2017 Professor, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, HKBU
2005 – 2012 Professor, Department of Religion & Philosophy, HKBU
1997 – 2005 Associate Professor, Department of Religion & Philosophy, HKBU
1991 – 1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Religion & Philosophy, HKBU
1984 – 1989 Teaching Assistant, Philosophy Department, Chinese University of HK

Professional Qualifications / Membership

2018 - 2021 Delegates-at-Large, International Association for Aesthetics (IAA)
2018 - 2020 Member, Humanities Panel for Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020, UGC.
2016 - 2019 Trustee (elected), American Society for Aesthetics (ASA)
2014 - Present Member, Hong Kong Academy of Humanities
2014 - Present Member, Society for Comparative Asian Philosophy (SCAP)
1997 - Present Member, Chinese Association for Aesthetics (CAA)
1995 - Present Member, International Association for Aesthetics (IAA)
2007 - 2010 Delegates-at-Large, International Association for Aesthetics (IAA)
1992 - Present Member, The American Society for Aesthetics (ASA)
1998 - 2000 Vice-president, Hong Kong Philosophy Society
2000 Member, International Association for Art Critics (IAAC)
1985 Founding and executive committee member, Hong Kong Philosophy Society

Honors, Awards and Scholarships

2022 Kiriyama Professor, Asia and Pacific Studies Center, University of San Francisco, US.
2020 Outstanding Award in Service Nominee, Hong Kong Dance Award 2020
2019 Visiting Scholar, Department of Film and Media Arts, Hunter College, CUNY
2018 Outstanding Performance in Public Services (Arts and Culture), Secretary for Home Affairs’ Commendation Scheme, Home Affiars Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2018 President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Service, HKBU
2016 Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work, HKBU
2015 Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Humanities, UGC, HK
2009 - 2010 AMUW Woman Chair Professor, Marquette University, USA
2004 Life Fellow, Clare Hall College, University of Cambridge, UK
2003 - 2004 Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall College, University of Cambridge, UK
2003 - 2004 Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge, UK
2003 - 2004 Fulbright Scholarship, (U.S. & Hong Kong Fulbright Program), Centre for Chinese Studies, University of Berkeley, CA., USA
2002 President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work, HKBU
1996 - 1997 Visiting Scholar, School of Theology, Boston University, Boston, MA., USA
1996 - 1997 Visiting Scholar, Yenching Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA., USA

Professional & Administration Experience

2021 - 2022 Panelist, Professorial Appointment Panel (PAP), HKBU
2019 - 2021 Member, University Council, HKBU
2017 - 2022 Director, Academy of Film, School of Communication, HKBU
2014 - 2017 Executive Associate Dean, Graduate School, HKBU
2013 - 2014 Head, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, HKBU
2011 - 2012 Director of Visual Art Academy, HKBU (Acting)
2009 - 2010 Co-ordinator, B.A. in Liberal and Cultural Studies, HKBU
1997 – 2008 Senate Member & Head of Humanities Programme, HKBU
2004 -  2012 Professor, Department of Religion & Philosophy, HKBU
1997 - 2004 Associate Professor, Department of Religion & Philosophy, HKBU
1991 - 1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Religion & Philosophy, HKBU
1984 - 1989 Teaching Assistant, Philosophy Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong
1982 - 1984 Program Producer, Cultural Program Unit, Radio Television Hong Kong
1982 - 1982 Assistant Cultural Manager, Cultural Presentations, USD, Hong Kong Government
1979 - 1982 Housing Assistant, Hong Kong Housing Authority, Hong Kong Government
1977 - 1979 Program Host, Breakthrough Hours, Commercial Radio Hong Kong

Editorial/Advisory Board of Refereed Journals

2021 - 2024 Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Bloomsbury History of Modern Aesthetics, UK
2020 -  Member of International Editorial Board, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, London, UK: Springer Nature.
2020 -  Book Reviewer for Bloomsbury, UK Journal Article Reviewer, Palgrave, US
2018 -  Member, Advisory Board, Hong Kong Studies (Chief editors: Tammy Ho, Michael O'Sullivan, Eddie Tay, Michael Tsang)
2018 -  Member, Editorial Board, Contemporary Aesthetics (Chief editor: Yuriko Saito, Rhodes Island School of Design, USA)
2017 -  Member, International Editorial Board, AM Journal of Art and Media, Serbia.
2017 -  Member, Editorial Board, Hypatia, A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, published by NY: Wiley-Blackwell
2015 -  Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Somaesthetics, published by Netherland: Rodopi and Brill
2014 Reviewer, Asian Women, A referee journal indexed at SSCI, published by Research Institute of Asian Women at Sookmyung Women's University, South Korea.
2009 Reviewer, The International Journal of the Humanities, Common Ground Publishing IIL, USA.
2003 -  学术编委。《中国女性主义》学刊, 广西师范大学出版社。
2003 - 2008 Member, Editorial Committee, LEWI Working Paper Series, HKBU
2002 - 2016 Member, Editorial Committee, Sino-Humanitas, HKBU

Academic Service for other Institutions

2020 External Programme Accessor, Reaccreditation of BA (Hons) in Creative Writing and Film, Open University of Hong Kong
2019 - Present Chairman of Academic Committee of Hong Kong Art School

Teaching Experiences

Courses Offered & Taught

2021 Graduate Seminar: Gender and Sexuality in Media
2021 Special Topic in Film: Film and Ideologies, Gender and Ethics
2019 Creative Writing in Film Scripts
2018 Film and Controversies
2014 Graduate Seminar: Gender and Philosophy
2011 Love and Culture (G.E. Course for HKBU)
2009 Body Cultures
2007 Current Issues in Visual Art and Cultural Policy
2007 Feminist Philosophy (For MA in Philosophy, CUHK)
2004 Body Theories, Body Cultures and the Hong Kong Bodies (for Humanities year 3 major & non- major electives)
1997 -  Introduction to the study of Humanities (for Humanities year 1 major)
Gender Studies (for Humanities year 2 major & non-major electives)
Artistic Creativity and Aesthetic Awareness I (for Humanities year 3 major & non-major electives)
Artistic Creativity and Aesthetic Awareness II (for Humanities year 3 major & non-major electives)
1991 - 1997 The Human Self-Discovery (for Humanities year 1 major & non-major electives)
Chinese and Western Modes of Thought
(for Humanities year 2 major, Translation year 1 major & non-major electives)
The Study of Culture (for Humanities year 2 major, Translation year 2 major & non-major electives)
Human Creativity and Aesthetic Awareness (for Humanities year 3 major & non-major electives)
Philosophers on Life (Religion & Philosophy elective subject)
Introduction to Philosophy (Religion & Philosophy elective subject)
Great Thinkers on Life (Religion & Philosophy elective subject)

Teaching Development Grants (TDG)

1.    “Re-Development of a Multimedia Course Website for the Humanities and Visual Arts Core Subject HUM 3160”, TDG granted by HKBU in July, 2006 (amount HK$ 51,120, TDG/0506/II/08)
2.    “Hong Kong Arts and Cultural Literacy project”, CERG 2002
3.    “Development of a multimedia and interactive course website for the Humanities subject HUM 3170” 
(obtained as the principal investigator, completion date: June 2001)
4.    “Development of a Multimedia course website for the Humanities course HUM 3160”
(obtained as the principal investigator, completion date: August 2001)

Scholarly Work / Publications

Academic Books

1. 文潔華教授自選集。粵港澳大灣區學術精品文庫•香港高校講座教授自選集。 廣東: 廣東人民出版社。2022年12月。
2.   Comparative Everyday Aesthetics: East-West Studies in Contemporary Living (ed. Vol), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2022.
3.   Cross- Cultural Reflections on Chinese Aesthetics, Gender, Embodiment and Learning, Singapore: Springer Nature PTE co., Feb 2020, pp. 200.
4. 【香港當代編舞家作品研究(1980-2010)——身體:歷史、美學及身份探求】。香港: IATC。2019年9月。共頁256。(香港藝術發展局出版資助項目。) (Nominated for Outstanding in Service,      Hong Kong Dance Award 2020)
5. 【香港視覺藝術家 (1970-1980) : 新水墨運動後的實驗與挪移】。香港: 商務印書館。2018年2月。共頁256。 (06/2019 香港藝術發展局出版資助項目。) 
6.   Bodies in China: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Gender and Politics, NYC: State University of New York Press (SUNY) and Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 255 pages. November, 2016. 
7. 【女性主義哲學與身體美學】。廣西:廣西師範大學出版社。2016年6月, 共頁216。 
8.   Issues of Contemporary Art and Aesthetics in the Chinese Context. Heidelburg (Germany): Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Sept, 2015. (ISBN :978-3-662-46509-7, 120 pages.
9. 【獨與天地精神往來—當代中國美學新視域】。香港:中華書局。2015年4月。共頁201。
10. 【美學與性別衝突:女性主義審美革命的中國境遇】。北京:北京大學出版社。2005年1月, 共頁216。
11. 【自主的族群:十位香港新一代女性視覺藝術家】。香港藝術發展局贊助。香港:中華書局。2000年3月。共頁184。
12. 【性別與創造:女性主義美學及其他】。香港:香港人文科學出版社。1996年10月。共頁207。
13. 【藝術自然與人文 - "中國美學的傳統與現代】。台北: 允晨出版社。1993年9月。共頁409。

Academic Edited Books

1.    Comparative Everyday Aesthetics in Contemporary Living, Eva K W Man & Jeffrey Petts (ed.), Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press, June 2022, pp.
2. 【粤语的政治: 香港語言文化的異質與多元】。文潔華編。香港: 中文大學出版社。 2021年8月。共頁244 。(再版) 。
3. 【與香港藝術對話】。黎明海、文潔華編著。香港: 三聯書店。2015年1月。共478頁。
4. 【香港嘅廣東文化】。文潔華編。香港: 商務印書館。2014年11月。共頁262。
5. 【粤语的政治: 香港語言文化的異質與多元】。文潔華編。香港: 中文大學出版社。 2014年8月。共頁244 。
6.    Yiu-Wai Chu & Eva Kit-Wah Man (ed.), Contemporary Asian Modernities: Transnationality, Interculturality and Hybridity (Series of Worlds of East Asia; Band 16), Bern: Peter Lang Ag, Jan, 2010, 315 pages.
7. 【雜嘜時代: 文化身份、性別、日常生活實踐與香港電影1970】。文潔華, 羅貴祥編。香港: 牛津大學出版社。 2005年11月。共頁220 。
8. 【朱光潛與當代中國美學】。(編著)。【香港浸會大學中文學術叢書之二】。香港:中華書局。1998年11月。共頁276。
9. 【哲學淺說新編】。勞思光著。(編選)。香港:香港中文大學出版社。1998年10月。共頁135。
10. 【嘔吐:港台女性主義文學選】。 (編選) 。沈陽:春風文藝出版社。1995年7月。共頁380。

Creative Work in Books

1. 《緣身記》: 一位女教授的七十七場哲學沉思。香港: 手民出版社。2021年9月。共頁314。
2. 【是時候讀一點哲學——處混亂、得聰明】。香港: 亮光文化。2014年11月,共頁199。
3. 【藝術沒有終結】。香港:次文化堂出版社。2013年7月,共頁203。
4. 【蝴蝶的血】。香港:次文化堂出版社。2012年7月,共頁201。
5. 【西方哲學故事——另一種述說方式】。香港:次文化堂出版社。2011年7月,共頁302。
6. 【裸睇——中西裸體藝術名作賞析】。香港:次文化堂出版社。2010年7月,共頁218。
7. 【唯心旅程】。香港:Handheld Culture 出版社。2010年7月。(電子書)
8. (藝術是唯一的理由)。香港:次文化堂出版社。2008年7月。共頁137。 (獲選香港電台 「2008 年度香港書獎」決選書。)
9. (身語心語)。香港:次文化堂出版社。2003年11月。共頁192。
10. (愛與痛的流程)。香港:次文化堂出版社。2003年11月。共頁192。
11. (未止的心靈)。 香港:基督教卓越使團。2000年7月。共頁178。
12. (香港老照片)。合著者:陶傑、丘世文、劉天賜。香港:天地圖書公司。1999年1月。共頁215。
13. (甲蟲西西弗斯)。香港:壹出版。1998年11月。共頁228。
14. (閱讀生活)。香港:現代教育研究社。1998年6月。共頁262。
15. (途上的彩虹)。香港:零與壹出版社。1998年3月。共頁148。
16. (誰說女人都是一樣)。 香港:突破出版社。1997年6月。共頁184。
17. (自己的天空)。香港:零與壹出版社。1996年4月。共頁183。
18. (誰最浪漫? )。 (創作散文集)。台北:允晨出版社。1993年9月。共頁187。
19. (意念與真情)。香港:突破出版社。1990年。共頁127。

Academic Book Chapters

1. “Aesthetics of Aging: The Story of Grand Auntie Eight, “Aesthetic Literacy (AL), vol 3. Valery Vinogradovs (ed.) Melborme: Mont Publishing, January 2022.
2. “Virtual Powers: Postcolonial Dance in Hong Kong,” Lona Gaikis (ed.) The Future Whispers: Susanne Langer’s Philosophy.UK: Bloomsbury. (Forth Coming)
3. “The Living Aesthetics and the Notion of Successful Aging Among Hong Kong Women,” in Comparative Everyday Aesthetics in Contemporary Living, Eva K W Man & Jeffrey Petts (ed.), Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press, June 2022. (Forth Coming)
4. “Ban Zhao”, The Philosopher Queens, Rebecca Buxton and Lisa Whiting (ed.), UK; Unbound publishing. (Feb 2020), pp. 14-22.
5. “The Universe is my Body: A Retrospective on Irene Chow’s Painting”, Hong Kong: Asia Art Archive, September 2019, pp 66-81.
6. “Female Bodies in China: Literati Fantasies, Iron Girls and Olympics Hoopla”, Artistic Visions and the Promise of Beauty: Cross Cultural Perspectives. K M Higgins, S. Maira & S. Sikka (ed.) Switzerland: Springer, October 2017. pp. 103-124.
7.  “The Aesthetics and the Regional Identity Strategies of A Post-Colonial Project: The Case of Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Cultural District and Its Aftermath" in Aysen Savas ed., Jale N. Erzen Testimonial, Ankara: METU Univ. Press, Feb., 2017, pp. 159-175.
8. "Metaphysics, Corporeality and Visuality: A Developmental and Comparative Review of the Discourses on Chinese Ink Painting", in Peng Feng ed., Aesthetics and Contemporary Art, International Yearbook Of Aesthetics (2012), Volume 16, August, 2016, pp. 128-146 (Esteeemed publication to be selected into the Yearbook out of 150 papers.)
9. “Chinese Bodies in Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics: Methodologies and Practices” in Tan Sor-woon ed., The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy Methodologies. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., July 2016. 257-270.
10. “從西方女性主義批評現代藝術的處境再思孔子樂教的智慧” ,中國學者新世紀學術貢獻 (前沿理論選集(下)) 陳亞平、劉悅笛、宋仕勇主編。寧夏人民出版社。 2015年10月。 頁 617-633。
11. “Influence of Global Aesthetics on Chinese Aesthetics: The Adaptation of Moxie and The Case of Dafun Cun,” Perspectives on Contemporary Aesthetics, Arnold Berleant and Yuriko Saito ed. Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, December 2015, 129-147. (Reprint, Esteem Measure)
12. “從比較美學再思徐復觀先生的藝術創造論” ,全球與本土之間的哲學探索。 鄭宗義、林月惠編。台北:學生書局。2014年6月。頁157-170。
13. “Beauty and the State: Female Bodies as State Apparatus and Recent Beauty Discourses in China,” in Beauty Unlimited, edited by Peg Brand, Bloomington & Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, January, 2013, 368- 384.
14. "Female Bodily Aesthetics and Their Early Revelations in the Book of Songs", Ho, Clara (ed). Overt and Covert Treasures: Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women's History, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 2012, 113-130.
15. "Expression Extreme and History Trauma in Female Bodily Art in China: The Case of He Cheng Yao", in Wiseman, Mary Bittner and Liu, Yuedi, eds. Strategic Strategies in Contemporary Chinese Art.. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishing, March 2011, 171-191.
16. "Experimental Painting and Painting Theories in Colonial Hong Kong (1940-1980): Reflections on Cultural Identity" in Wiseman, Mary Bittner and Liu, Yuedi, eds. Strategic Strategies in Contemporary Chinese Art. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishing, March 2011, 333-353.
17. “The Relation of ‘Self’ and “Others” in the Confucian Traditions and Its Implications to Global Feminisms and Public Philosophies,” in Yiu-Wai Chu & Eva Kit-Wah Man (ed.), Contemporary Asian Modernities: Transnationality, Interculturality and Hybridity (Series of Worlds of East Asia; Band 16), Bern: Peter Lang Ag, Jan, 2010, 231-244.
18. “A Historical Review and Reflection on the Confucian “Great Learning” and its Contemporary Implications for Higher Education,” in R. Mak (ed)., Transmitting The Ideal of Enlightenment: Chinese Universities since the Late Nineteenth Century, Maryland: University Press of America Inc., December 2009, 135-148.
19. “中國傳統儒家知識論之當代意涵”,劉國英、張燦輝編, 求索之迹:香港中文大學哲學系六十周年系慶論文集 ,香港:香港中文大學,2009年7月。139 - 155。
20. "Some Reflections on Multiculturalism and Asian Feminism and the Case of Cultural Policy Addresses and Women Rights in Hong Kong," in Tze-wan Kwan (ed.) Responsibility and Commitment, Waldkirch, Germany: Edition Gorz, July 2008, 265-276.
21. “The Origin of Aesthetic Experience as the Key to Comparative Aesthetics: The Case of Confucian Aesthetics and the Recent Suggestion of Its Reference to Western Feminist Aesthetics,” in Wilkinson, R. (ed) New Essays in Comparative Aesthetics, Newcastle (U.K.) Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Oct., 2007, pp. 109-118.
22. 文潔華,“女子狄娜——七十年代香港情色電影的個案研究”, 文潔華、羅貴祥編。 【雜嘜時代:文化身份、性別、日常生活實踐與香港電影1970】。 香港:牛津大學出版社】。 2005年11月,頁 90-104。
23. 「我們的都巿,我們的英雄」。二十一世紀(月刊)。香港:香港中文大學中國文化研究所。2003年6月號。第77期,頁95-99。
24. “Female Bodily Aesthetics, Politics, and Feminine Ideals of Beauty in China,” in Peg Zeglin Brand (ed.) Beauty Matters, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, April, 2000, pp. 169-196.
25. 「當代藝術家的社會角色:文化先知‧社會英雄抑或巫師?」。文思慧‧梁美儀合編:《專業交叉點---專業倫理的理念與實行》。香港:青文書店。2000年1月。頁144-174。
26. 「全球化下的身分認同與迷失」。鄒崇銘主編:《千禧年‧全球化‧新思維》。香港:明報出版社。2000年1月。頁128-132。
27. 「朱光潛美感教育論與當代中國美學研究」。文潔華編著。《朱光潛與當代中國美學》。香港:中華書局。1998年11月。頁 193-218。
28. 「性別與舞蹈」。陶寶華編。《價值與社會》。北京:中國社會科學院出版社。1997年8月。頁 337-351。
29. 「香港繪畫美學與文化身份的反思(1940 – 1980)」。文思慧編。《思行交匯點 – 哲學在香港》。香港:青文書店。1997年6月。頁 75-102。
30. 「六十年香港的電影與女性身份」。田邁修、顏淑芬編。《香港六十年代:身份、文化認同與設計》。香港:香港藝術中心。1995年3月。頁 75-77。
31. 「儒家與中國婦女」。鄒逸蘭等著。《尋 – 女性神學的台灣經驗》。台北:光啟出版社。1992年11月。頁42-44。
32. "Lili Marleen," Remembering Fassbinder: A Retrospective [ Hong Kong: Goethe Institute], November 1992, pp.42-44. (in English and Chinese)

Academic Book Reviews

1. 書評「劉千美:差異與實踐-當代藝術哲學研究」。二十一世紀 (月刊)。香港:香港中文大學中國文化研究所。2001年8月號。第66期,頁152-155。
*2.  “On Jiang Xiaoyuan’s Xing Zhangli xia de Zhongguo ren ( Chinese people under sexual tension, Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chuban she, 1995. 332pp. ), Nan Nu, Leiden: Brill, Vol.1, Issue 2, 1999. pp. 305-7.
3. 書評「劉小楓:沉重的肉身」。明報月刊。香港:明報出版社。1999年4月。頁100-102。

Academic Journal Articles

1. “The Whitened Female Face in Contemporary China,” Darren Hick ed., Bloomsbury Contemporary Aesthetics, Spring 2022, (Forth Coming).
2. “Evolution of Art and Moral Concerns in New China: From Mao Zedong’s Yenan Talks to Xi Jinping’s Speech on Artistic Practice,” James Harold (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Ethics and Art. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (Forth coming)
3. “About Nature: Discourses on the Boundaries of East and West in Curtis Carter’s Concern over Contemporary Chinese Art,” AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, Belgrade, Serbia, No. 22, October 2020, 43−53.
4. “Spiritual Rituals of Chinese Ink Painting: The Suggestions of Shitao”, Contemporary Aesthetics, https://contempaesthetics.org/newvolume/pages/article.php?articleID=878, vol.11 (2019), November 2019.
5. “What Does Comparative Philosophy Mean to the Social Existence of a Female Chinese Scholar?”, Journal of World Philosophies 2, Bloomington: Indiana University Press. vol 2, no. 1, July 2017, 144-149.
6. “A Cross-Cultural Reflection on Shusterman’s Suggestion of the “Transactional” Body”, Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 中國哲學前沿, Brill & Front. Philos. China. 2015, 10 (2): 181-191. DOI: 10.3868/s030-004-015-0014-8. http://journal.hep.com.cn/fpc/EN/1673-3436/current.shtml
7. “Metaphysics, Corporeality and Visuality: A Developmental and Comparative Review of the Discourses on Chinese Ink Painting”, Journal of Somaesthetics, Denmark: Aalborg University Press, Issue Vol.1 No. 1 (2015), February, 2015. http://journals.aau.dk/index.php/JOS/article/view/1074 (The Journal of Somaesthetics is published in association with the Research Program in Body, Art & Technology at Aalborg University (Denmark) and the Center for Body, Mind, and Culture at Florida Atlantic University. It is published by Aalborg University Press.)
8. 「西方女性主義美學:發展與批評」, 中國國家美術。北京:《中國國家美術》雜誌。 總期第18期,2014年2月, 頁102 -107。
9. “「充餘之美」- 唐君毅先生論中國藝術精神”,人文中國學報,香港浸會大學《人文中國學報》編輯委員會編,上海:上海古藉出版社。 2013年11月,頁433-456。
10. “Influence of Global Aesthetics on Chinese Aesthetics: The Case of Dafun Cun,” Contemporary Aesthetics, http://www.contempaesthetics.org/newvolume/pages/article.php?articleID=674, vol.11 (2013), November 2013.
11. “What is an author? A comparative Study of Soren Kierkegaard and Liu Xie on the Meaning of Writing,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Maiden, MA: Wiley, volume 40, Issue 1, (March 2013), 123–142.
12. “Sex and Emotion: Change of the Related Discourses among Some Chinese Female Sex Workers and their Representations in the Cosmopolitan Context,” The International Journal of the Humanities, Champaign, Illinois, USA: Common Ground Publishing LLC. Vol. 9, Issue 8, (April, 2012), 217-229.
13.  “Contemporary Philosophical Aesthetics in China: The Relation between Subject and Object,” Philosophy Compass. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, vol. 7, 2012 (March, 2012), 164-173. (Philosophy Compass is top Indexed /abstracted in British Humanities Index (CSA/CIG))
14.  “腕不虛畫非是:筆畫哲學和中國新水墨繪畫的存與變”。《藝術與科學》。北京:清華大學出版社。2011年5月, 卷十一,頁132-137。
15.  “A Museum of Hybridity: The History of the Display of Art in the Public Museum of Hong Kong and Its Implications for Cultural Identities,” Visual Anthropology, (ed) by Paul Hockings, Routledge: Taylor & Francis, January, 2011, 90-105.
16. "Some Reflections on Confucian Aesthetics and Its Feminist Modalities,” The International Journal of the Humanities, Champaign, Ill., USA: Common Ground Publishing LLC, Vol. 8, Issue 1, June 2010, 1-12.
17.  "芭特勒對薩特身體觀的閱讀探析”,現代哲學,廣東:現代哲學雜誌社。2009年第1期(第102期), 2009年1月, 頁85-91。(CSSCI)
18. 《關於香港文化施政報告和婦女權利的思考》,中國女性主義, (桂林: 廣西師範大學出版社)。第10期, 2008年6月, 頁3-13。
19. “美感經驗的完結? 當代英美美學的基源問題與儒學的詮釋”, 清華大學學報(哲學社會科學版)。北京:清華大學出版社。2007年第6期第22卷 。2008年1月。頁89-93。
20.  “對認識論中女性主義視角的進一步反思”,中山大學學報 (社會科學版), 中國廣州:中山大學學報編輯部,第48卷第1期, 2008 年1月,頁112-119。
21.  “A Contemporary Reflection of a Confucian Theory of the Body: ‘Natural’ or Further Construction?” The Proceedings of The Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy (Vol. 7, Philosophy of Culture(s)), Ankara: Philosophical Society of Turkey, Dec., 2007, 173- 177.
22.  “Rethinking Art and Values: A Comparative Revelation of the Origin of Aesthetic Experience (from the Neo-Confucian Perspectives),” Filozofski vestnik, Ljubljana: Institute of Philosophy in the Centre for Scientific Research of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts. Vol.XXVIII, No. 2/2007, June 2007, pp. 117- 131.
23. "關於儒家婦女身體觀的一些思考—— 論哲學與性別意涵,”儒學、文化與宗教:劉述先先生七秩壽慶論文集。李明輝、葉海煙、鄭宗義 合編。臺北:臺灣學生書局。2006年10月。頁385- 403。
24.  “Reclaiming the Body: Francis Bacon’s Fugitive Bodies and Confucian Aesthetics on Bodily Expression,” Aesthetics and Culture: East and West, eds. Gao Jian Ping & Wang Keping, China: Anhui Educational Publishing, June, 2006, pp. 135-162.
25.  "中國傳統儒家知識論之當代意蘊” 清華大學學報(哲學社會科學版)。北京:清華大學出版社。2006年第1期第21卷 (83期)。2006年3月。頁100-106。
26.  "奇女子狄娜:20世紀70年代香港情色電影個案研究”,中國女性主義 4, 荒林主編。桂林:廣西師範大學出版社。2005夏,頁193-207。
27. “A Confucian Reflection on the Future Prospects of the Humanities Education,” International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 1, 2003, http://www.ijh.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.25/prod. 5, April, 2005.
28. 《中國傳統儒家知識論之當代意涵》,文化自覺與社會發展——二十一世紀中華文化世界論壇論文集。二十一世紀中華文化世界論壇籌備委員會主編。香港:商務印書館(香港)有限公司。2005年3月。頁431-440。
29. 《牟宗三先生的審美經驗論與西方女性主義美學新發展》,中國女性主義 , (桂林:廣西師範大學出版社)。2005年3月。頁59-69。
30.  “Reclaiming the Body: Francis Bacon’s Fugitive Bodies and Confucian Aesthetics on Bodily Expression,” Contemporary Aesthetics (http://www.contempaesthetics.org), 2 (2004), July, 2004. Australia: Common Ground Publishing Pty Ltd, pp. 621-631.
31. “身體的回歸:法蘭西斯‧培根隱晦的身體與儒家身體美學” ,民族藝術研究 。雲南:雲南省民族藝術研究所,雲南大學人文學院, 雲南大學藝術學院 & 雲南大學出版社。2004年5月。第3期,頁23 -29。(CSSCI)
32. “潘光旦論馮小青之影戀性心理”,《人文中國學報》, 香港浸會大學《人文中國學報》編輯委員會編,(上海:上海古藉出版社),第10期,2004年5月,頁83-103。
33. “The Trinity 'Hong Kong- China- The World’: The Antagonism of Cultural Identities as A Form of Hegemony in the Postcolonial Hong Kong Art (from the 90s of the previous century onward),” BOREC (REVIJA ZA ZGODOVINO, ANTROPOLOGIJO IN KNJIZEVNOST), (The Fighter, The Journal for History, Anthropology and Literature," Ljubljana, Slovenia: the Society for History, Anthropology and Literature & the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia. LV, 2003, st.608-611, December, 2003, pp.219-237.
34. “勞思光先生早期思想中理想的人文精神——從「窮智見德」到「德智貫融」”。劉國英、張燦輝合編。《無涯理境—勞思光先生的學問與思想》香港:香港中文大學。2003年11月。頁39-56。
35. "Some Reflections on 'Feminist Aesthetics': Private /Public? Personal/ Political? Gender/ Post-Colonial?--- The Case of Young Women Art in Post-Colonial Hong Kong," The Great Book of Aesthetics, Conference Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Aesthetics, edited and published by Ken-ichi Sasaki and Tanehisa Otabe, The Organizing Committee of the 15th International Congress of Aesthetics c/o Institute of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. October, 2003.
36. “'Feminist Aesthetics' in Post-Colonial Hong Kong: Private /Public? Personal/ Political? Gender/ Post-Colonial?, " LIKOVNE BESEDE/ ART WORDS, Slovenia’s Ljubljana: Union of the Slovene Fine Artists Associations, September 2003, pp.49-57.
37. “初探西方哲學中客體化觀念之性別意涵”。黎志添、劉國英、張燦輝合編。在求真的道路上。台北:中華書局。2003年8月。頁241-261。
38.  “從勞思光先生對文化哲學的論析反思女性主義思想的一些基本問題”。勞思光思想與中國哲學世界化學術研討會論文集。台灣華梵大學哲學系編。台北:行政院文化建設委員會出版。2002年12月。pp.169-186。
39.  "A Critical Reflection on a Suggested Return to Aesthetic Experience in Socialist China", Journal of Aesthetic Education, Champaign: University of Illinois Press, Vol. 35, No.4, Winter 2002, pp.47-55.
40. "初探生態女性主義與儒家哲學中之自然觀",賴品超、李景雄編:《儒耶對話新里程》(香港中文大學崇基學院宗教與中國社會研究中心。2001年10月)。pp.104-123。
41. "The Notion of "Orientalism" in the Modernization Movement of Chinese Painting of Hong Kong Artists in 1960s: The Case of Hon Chi-fun", Filozofski vestnik, Ljubljana: Institute of Philosophy in the Centre for Scientific Research of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts. Vol.XXII, No. 2/2001, August, 2001, pp.161-178.
42. 《從西方現代藝術處境再思孔子樂教的功能》清華大學學報(哲學社會科學版)。北京:清華大學出版社。2001年第1期第16卷 (4/2001)。頁81-88。(CSSCI)
43.  "The View of Nature in Eco-feminism and Chinese Philosophy”, International Journal for Field-Being, (Electronic Journal), July , 2000, Inaugural Issue. http://apps.fairfield.edu, IJFB, vol.1 (1), part 1, Article No. 10, 2001. (Citation URL: http://www.iifb.org/ijfb/EKMan-1.htm)
44. "Contemporary Feminist Body Theories and Mencius’s Ideas of Body and Mind”, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Oxford (U.K.): Blackwell, June, 2000. Vol.27, Issue 2, pp.155-169.
45. 「從朱光潛的主客觀統——說到中國現代美學體系」。葉朗主編:《美學的雙峰:朱光潛‧宗白華與中國現代美學》。合肥:安徽教育出版社。1999年7月。頁25-42。
46. "Investigation into the Religious Aspects of Confucianism", The Lutheran World Federation Ninth Assembly Report, Switzerland: The Lutheran World Federation Office for Communication Services, March 1998, pp.135-138.
47. 「從對康德『判斷力批判』之批判到道家「智的直覺」——牟宗三論審美經驗的起源。」。江日新主編。《牟宗三哲學與唐君毅哲學論》。台北:文津出版社。1997年12月。頁225-242。
48. 「西方女性主義美學:發展與批評」。北京大學學報。北京:北京大學出版社等34卷。第6期,總184期,1997年11月。頁137-144。(CSSCI)
49.  "Fashion and Women Identities in the Sixties in Hong Kong", Conference Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Aesthetics (1995) (Proceedings III: Practical Aesthetics in Practice and Theory). Lahti: University of Helsinki, Lahti Research and Training Centre, November, 1997, pp.161-166.
50. 「論中國大陸 <現代美學體系>中的 『審美感興觀』」。人文中國學報。香港:香港浸會大學。第4期。1997年7月。頁163-186。
51. 「藝術史研究的當代挑戰與香港藝術史研究」。價值與社會(1994)研討會論文集。香港:嶺南學院。1997年5月。頁171-178。
52. "Chinese Philosophy and the suggestion of a New Aesthetics", Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Hawaii: Dialogue Publishing Co., No. 23 (1996) Spring, 1997, pp.453-466.
53. 「現代舞及其社會涵義」。價值與社會(1994)研討會論文集。香港:嶺南學院。1997年5月。頁 74-82。
54. "Understanding the Social Status of Women in China", Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry, Minnesota: Luther Seminary. No.2, Vol.XVII Spring, 1997, pp.168-174.
55. "Experimental Painting and Painting Theories in Colonial Hong Kong (1940-1980): Reflection on Cultural Identity", Filozofski vestnik, Ljubljana: Institute of Philosophy in the Centre for Scientific Research of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts. Vol.XVII, No. 2/1996, February, 1997 pp.83-105.
56. 「藝術史的現代挑戰——從人文主義現點到多元詮釋」。文學史。北京:北京大學出版社。1996年6月。頁266-279。.
57. "Feminist Aesthetics in Body: Hong Kong Chinese Women, Fashion & Identity in the Sixties", Anthropos, Ljubljana: Slovensko filozofsko drustvo, Vol. 28, No. 3-4, December, 1996, pp.55-61.
58. "Postcolonialism and Contemporary Artistic Creation", Hong Kong Cultural Studies Bulletin. Hong Kong: The Programme for Hong Kong Cultural Studies (CUHK), Issue No.4 (winter 1995) p.87-89.
59. 「雲想衣裳——香港六十年代的時裝與女性身份。」《號外》雜誌。香港:七山出版社。1995年7月。
60.  "The Idea and Limitation of 'Sageliness within and Kingliness without'" Ching Feng, Hong Kong: Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture. vol.38, no. 2, June 1995, p.116-127.
61. 「儒家父權社會中的道德主體性」。鵝湖月刊。台北:鵝湖出版社。第19卷。第224期。1994年3月。頁29-33。
62. 「女性主義美學:另類的藝術批評?」人文學報。第2期。中文大學三十週年特刊。香港:中文大學出版社。1993年11月。頁88-91。
63. 「與一位反藝術本質主義者的對話」。法燈。香港:法注學會。第4卷,第3期。1992年6月。頁33-35。
64. "Chinese Women and the Family in the Rapidly Changing Hong Kong Society - A Confucian Perspective," Inter-Religion, Hong Kong: Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture, No. 21, Summer 1992, pp.20-27.

Academic Journal Articles

“Aesthetics of Aging: The Story of Grand Auntie Eight”, Aesthetic Literacy, London: Philpapers and the Institute of Philosophy, University of London, April, 2021.

"Evolution of Art and Ethical Concerns in New China: The Influences of Mao Zedong’s Talk at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art “. Oxford Handbook on Aesthetics, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. (TBC)

Dance as A Field of Virtual Powers: Implications of Langer’s Reading to Postcolonial Dance in Hong Kong. (TBC)

Performance in Reputable Venue

"The Vagina Monologues," (The Cantonese Version, written by Eve Ensler, translated by Eva K W Man and Tracy Louie), presented by Springtime Stage Productions, City Hall Concert Hall, Central, Hong Kong (Jan 31, 2007 to Feb 4, 2007)

Research Grant Awards

6/2019 【香港當代編舞家作品研究(1980-2010)——身體:歷史、美學及身份探求】。香港: IATC。2019年9月。共頁256。(香港藝術發展局出版資助項目。)

【香港視覺藝術家 (1970-1980) : 新水墨運動後的實驗與挪移】。香港: 商務印書館。2018年2月。共頁256。(香港藝術發展局出版資助項目。)

General Research Grant (GRF)

10/2021 – 9/2023        “Discourses on Art and Morality in New China: The Confucian Moderation in Mao and Xi’s Speeches on Artistic Practice” (GRF 12601121)
9/2016 – 8/2018         “Six Hong Kong Contemporary Dance Choreographers (1980-2010): Hong Kong Dance History, Aesthetics and Identity Issues” (GRF 12653416)
9/2014 – 8/2016         “Six Hong Kong Visual Artists and Their Artistic ‘Adaptation’ in the Post- New Ink Movement Era in Hong Kong” (Score: 5    GRF 12405614)

Faculty Research Grants

1/2022- 8/2022      Comparative Everyday Aesthetics: East-West Studies in Contemporary Living (CFRG )

Completed Faculty Research Grants

7/2019 – 6/2020        “Cross- Cultural Reflections on Chinese Aesthetics, Gender, Embodiment and Learning”
5/2018 – 4/2019        Spiritual Rituals of Chinese Ink Painting: The Suggestion of Shitao (FRG1/17-18/033)
10/2017 – 3/2018      “Lao Sze-Kwang”s Discourse on Chinese Philosophy and Contemporary Popular Confucianism in China” (FRG1/17-18/002)
10/2015 – 9/2016      “Comparative Response to Arnold Berleant’s Environmental Aesthetics: The Case of Chinese Garden Ge Yuan” (FRG1/15-16/005)
12/2014 – 7/2015        A Review of Robert Solomon’s Ideation of Emotion and Mencius Notion of “Embodied Emotion” [FRG1/14-15/006]
12/2013 – 7/2014        Influence of Global Aesthetics and the Development of Moxie in Chinese Aesthetics (FRG1/13-14/003)
8/2012 – 7/2013         Comparative Aesthetics on Artistic Creativity: Xu Fuguan on Zhuangzi”s Notion of “You”(FRG2/12-13/019)
5/2011 – 5/2012          Discourse on Psychoanalysis and Gender in Recent China: A Case Study by Pan Guangdan (FRG1/10-11/056)
1/2011 – 12/2011         The Notion of Artistic Creativity in the New Ink Movement in Hong Kong in the 1960s (FRG2/10- 11/014)
11/2010 – 5/2011        Female Bodily Art in China: The Case of He Cheng Yao (FRG1/10-11/007)
2/2010 – 9/2010         Metaphysics, Corporeality and Visuality: A Developmental and Comparative Review of the Discourses on Chinese Ink Painting (FRG I/09-10/032)
6/2009 – 2/2010        A Museum of Hybridity: The History of the Display of Art in the Public Museum of Hong Kong and Its Implications for Cultural Identities (FRG/08-09/038)
10/2008 – 3/2009      Beauty and the State: Female Bodies as State Apparatus and Recent Feminine Beauty Discourses in China (FRG/08-09/I-09)
4/2008 – 10/2008      The Relation of the “Self” and “Others” in the Confucian Tradition and Its Revelations to Global Feminism and Public Philosophy (FRG/07-08/I-33)
10/2007 – 3/2008      Discourses on Female Bodily Ideals and Their Early Revelations in The Book of Songs (FRG/07-08/I-02)
8/2007 – 7/2008        Constructing Hong Kong Art: Critique of Hong Kong Visual Art Criticism and Its Strategies in the 1990s (FRG/07-08/I-01) (Part II)
10/2006 – 9/2007      A Preliminary Theoretical Survey on the Cultural Policy Issue and Its Gender Implications in Hong Kong (FRG/06-07/I-10)
1/2006                          Constructing Hong Kong Art: Critique of Hong Kong Visual Art Criticism and Its Strategies in the 1990s (FRG/05-06/I-34)
9/2005 -                       Between Aesthetics and Politics: The Imaginary Space of the Hong Kong West Kowloon Cultural District and the Related Strategies for A Regional Identity (FRG/04-05/I-41, HKBU)
9/2002 - 10/2003       The Cultural and Social Implications of Bodily Representation in Hong Kong Cinema Since 1990s (Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty Research Grant, FRG)
2/2001 - 8/2002         The Revelation of "Modernity Aesthetics" to the Artistic Creation and Art Criticism in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty Research Grant, FRG)
4/1999 - 3/2000         Hong Kong Women Artists: The New Generation (Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty Research Grant, FRG & Hong Kong Arts Development Council's publication grant  for Visual Arts projects)
1/1994- 1/1995            A study of Zhu Guang Qian's Aesthetics and Literary Criticism (Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty Research Grant, FRG)

Keynote/ Conference papers delivered

1. “Ultimate Whiteness: The Aesthetics of White Female Face in China,” The 9th National Aesthetics Conference, China Aesthetics Society and Research Center of Aesthetics and Literary Criticism, Shenzhen University, November 14, 2021.
2. Panel Discussant, The Legacy of Confucianism Across Asia, Asia Society Australia x National Gallery of Victoria Event Faith & Art, Nov 17, 2020. Stream on live.
3. “Confucian Aesthetics and Its Feminist Modalities.” College Art Association 108th Annual Conference, Chicago, US, Feb 15, 2020.

“Contextualizing Virtual Form of Dance: Transformation of Social Reality and Susanne Langer’s Illusory Space in Dance,” American Society for Aesthetics Meeting 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA, October 10, 2019.


“Discourses on The East and West Boundaries in Curtis Carter’s Study of Contemporary Chinese Art : Concerning the Place of Nature,” 21st International Congress of Aesthetics, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia. July 22, 2019.


Keynote Speech, “A Museum of Hybridity: The History of the Art Display in the Public Museum of Hong Kong and its Implications for Cultural Identities”, Symposium on Art in Global China, Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan, China. Feb 23, 2019. 

7. “Spiritual Rituals of Ink Painting in Shihtao’s Aesthetics Discourses”, at the World Congress of Philosophy 2018 organized by Beijing University, Beijing, China on August 15, 2018.
8. “Map of A Lost Female Horizon: Early Discourses on Chinese Female Body Aesthetics in the Book of Songs”, at The XVIIth Symposium of the International Association of Women Philosophers organized by Tsinghua University, Beijing, China on August 10, 2018.
9.  “Chinese Bodies in Philosophy, Aesthetics and Politics: Methodologies and Practices,” International Association of Aesthetics Interim Conference 2018: Margins, Futures, and Tasks of Aesthetics, University of Aalto, Helsinki, Finland on July 5, 2018.
10. Key Note Speech, “Revelations of Chinese Philosophy and Feminist Philosophy, Comparative Studies and Case Studies,” Conference on Connections, Dynamics, Transformations in Homogenous/Heterogenous China, organized by China Center, University of Oxford at St. Hugh College, University of Oxford, UK on June 21, 2018.
11. “Spiritual Rituals of Chinese Ink Painting: The Suggestions of Shih Tao,” The 75th Annual Meeting of American Society for Aesthetics, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA on Nov 17, 2017.
12. “Ideas of the Body in Zhu Guangqin’s Aesthetics,” International Conference on Celebration of the 120th Birth Anniversary of Prof. Guangqian Zhu and Prof. Baihua Zong, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, China on Oct 28, 2017.
13. “Ban Zhao’s Lessons for Women,” The 1st Conference of Asian Association of Women Philosophers, Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, Korea. August 7, 2017.
14. “Lao Sze-Kwang”s Discourse on Chinese Philosophy and Contemporary Popular Confucianism in China”,「文化理性的批判與哲學理性的辯護學術會議」, organized by Philosophy Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, at CUHK on May 24, 2017.  
15. “A Developmental and Comparative Review of the Discourses on Chinese Ink Painting”, American Philosophical Association Pacific Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA on April 14, 2017.
16. “A Case Study of Subjects and Embodiment in China: Aesthetics, Performance and Influences,” The 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, Seattle , Washington, USA, Nov 19, 2016.
17. “Some Reflections on Feminist Aesthetics and the Confucian Notion of the Beauty,” The 2016 Symposium of the International Association of Women Philosophers IAPh: Women and Philosophy: History, Values, Knowledge. International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, July 8, 2016.
18. “關於「樂感美學」的幾點反思”, 重構美學的形上之維高端論壇, 上海法政學院文藝美學研究中心, 2016年6月25日。
19. “Notes on a Chinese Garden: Comparative Response to Arnold Berleant’s Environmental Aesthetics”, The 11th East-West Philosophers’ Conference: “Place”, East-West Centre, University of Hawaii, May 25, 2016.
20. “Chinese Feminine Ideal: Philosophy, Aesthetics and Methodology”, Forum on Recent Research in Gender and Ming-Qing Culture, Department of History, HKBU, November 24, 2015.
21. “Feminist Scholarship Today: A Cross-Cultural Perspective”, American Society for Aesthetics, 75th Annual meeting, Savannah, Georgia, USA, November 14, 2015.
22. “Metaphysics, Corporeality, Visuality: A Developmental and Comparative Review of the Discourses on Chinese Ink Art”, Beijing Forum 2015, Beijing University, Beijing, November 7, 2015.
23. “Influence of Global Aesthetics on Chinese Aesthetics”, International Conference on Eastern Resonance: From Modernity to Globalization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. November 4, 2015.
24. “Notes on a Chinese Garden: Comparative Responses to Berleant’s Environmental Aesthetics” at the International Conference on The Space for Ecoaesthetics and Ecocriticism organized by the Research Center for Literary Theory and Aesthetics at Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong Province, PRC on October 25, 2015.
25. “Female Bodies and the City: Fashion Design and Women Identities in Colonial Hong Kong in the 1960s” at the 3rd Central China International Art & Design Forum at Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute in Jingdezhen, Jingxi Province, PRC on October 21, 2015. 
26. “Methodological Reflection on Understanding Chinese Bodies: Philosophy, Aesthetics and Gendered Politics”, Society of Asian Comparative Philosophy (SCAP) annual meeting 2015, Monterey, CA, USA. October 1, 2015.
27. “Representation and Identity Issue Between Globalism and Localism: The Case of Hong Kong Pavilion at the Venice Biennale,” International Scientific Conference on Revisions of Modern Aesthetics, University of Belgrade Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, June 27, 2015.
28. “Hong Kong Pavilion as Method: The Case of Lee Kit”, International Conference on Hong Kong as Method, organized by the Hong Kong Studies Programme, etc., The University of Hong Kong, December 8, 2014
29. “Notes on a Chinese Garden: A Comparative Response to Berleant’s Environmental Aesthetics”, The 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, San Antonio, TX., U.S.A. Oct 31, 2014.
30. “A Cross-Cultural Reflection on Shusterman’s Suggestion of the “Transactional Body”, International Academic Symposium on Somaesthetics and China’s Contemporary Aesthetic Culture, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, April 20,2014.
31. “Confucian Aesthetics and Its Feminist Modalities”, The 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, San Diego, CA, October 31, 2013.
32. “Influences of Global Aesthetics on Chinese Aesthetics”, 19th International Congress of Aesthetics organized by the International Association for Aesthetics, Krakow, Poland on July 23, 2013.
33. “Beyond Ontology? Reflections on Robert Solomon’s Ideation of Emotion and Mencius’ Moral Cultivation of ‘Embodied Emotion’”, Conference on Embodied Emotion: Conflicts and Harmony, ”Society for Asian Studies and Comparative Philosophy” (SACP) & “Australasian Society for Asian Studies and Comparative Philosophy” (ASACP), National Singapore University, Singapore, July 9, 2013.
34. “The Meaning of An Author in Liu Xie’s Wenxindiaolung,” The 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, St. Louis, Missouri, October 27, 2012.
35. “Fashion, Female Body Aesthetics and the Colonial City of Hong Kong in the 1960s,” Nature and the City International Conference, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, June 30, 2012.
36. “腕不虛畫非是:筆畫哲學和中國新水墨繪畫的存與變” 2012年5月19日。〉,《国际美学会议》, 徐州: 江苏师范大学, 19 May 2012。
37. “從比較美學再思徐復觀先生的藝術創造論,” 第二屆兩岸三地中國美學學術研討會。  廣州: 暨南大學, 24 Mar 2012。
38. “Artistic Displays and Identity Issues”, International Symposium of The China Pavilion at the 54th International Art Exhibition of Venice Biennale: Contermporary Art in China and the World, Beijing University, Beijing, Dec 5, 2011.
39. "Metaphysics, Corporeality and Visuality: A Developmental and Comparative Review of the Discourses on Chinese Ink Painting", Unsettled Boundaries: Philosophy, Art and Ethics East/West, Department of Philosophy, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Oct 14, 2011.
40. “Writing Women’s Psychopathology: A Case Study by Pan Guangdan,” Association for Asian Studies 2011 Conference, Hawaii Convention Centre, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 31, 2011.
41. “A Museum of Hybridity: Art in the Public Museum of Hong Kong and Implications for Cultural Identities,” The 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics (ASA), Victoria, B.C., Canada, Oct 28, 2010.
42. “Chinese Aesthetics and Its Feminist Modalities,” The 18th International Congress of Aesthetics, organized by the Chinese Society of Aesthetics and the International Association for Aesthetics (IAA), Beijing University, August 10, 2010.
43. "Expression Extreme and History Trauma in Female Bodily Art in China: The Case of He Cheng Yao," the 67th annual meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics (ASA) at Denver, Colorado on Oct 22, 2009.
44. " The End of Aesthetic Experience? Some Reflections on the Deweyan Notion and Chinese Aesthetics,”the 67th annual meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics (ASA) at Denver, Colorado on Oct 24, 2009. 
45. “「充餘之美」- 唐君毅先生論中國藝術精神,” 中國哲學研究之新方向——中大哲學系60週年紀念暨唐君毅百歲冥壽」國際學術研討會, .香港中文大學哲學系主辦, 2009年5月18日於香港中文大學。
46. “「人而不仁,如乐何?」─ 从现代艺术的处境再思孔子乐教的智慧, ” 儒家美学思想的现代阐释:两岸三地首届中国美学学术研讨会, 陝西師範大學主辦, 2009年5月6日於中国:西安。
47. “’The Wrist Seizes Reality’: Aesthetics of Brushstrokes and the Development of Chinese New Ink Painting,” International and Interdisciplinary Conference “The Hand : An Organ of the Mind,” organized by The Interuniversity Centre in Dubrovnik, Croatia on May 2, 2009.
48. “Metaphysics, Corporeality and Visuality: A Developmental and Comparative Review of the Discourses on Chinese Ink Painting,” Technovisuality & Cultural Reenchantment Conference, organized by Dept of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK & Technoscience Culture Research and Development Center, HKSYU at Chinese University of Hong Kong on Nov 22, 2008.
49. “From ‘Iron Lady’ to ‘Olympic Girl’: State Apparatus and Female Beauty in China,” The 66th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, Northampton, MA., USA on Nov 6, 2008.
50. “Feminist Interpretations of Traditions: East- West Dialogues,” XXII World Congress of Philosophy, organized by Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, August 1, 2008.
51. “Mulitculturalism and Feminism,” The 13th Symposium of International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh), organized by IAPh & Korean Association of Feminist Philosophy (KAFPh), Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, July 29, 2008. 
52. “The Relation of the ‘Self’ and ‘Other’ in the Confucian Tradition and Its Implications to Global Feminism and Public Philosophy,” The 82nd Public Philosophy Kyoto Forum: Women Open the New Public World, organized by The University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy, Kobe, Japan, March 1, 2008.
53. “Sex and Emotion: Change of the Related Discourses Among Chinese Female Sex Workers in Hong Kong and Its Representations in the Cosmopolitan Context,” Chinese Gender/Sexuality in the 21st Century, organized by the Department of Law and Business, HK Shue Yan University & the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, at Hong Kong Shue yan University, Dec. 14, 2007.
54. "Discourses on Female Bodily Aesthetics in A Pre-Chin Ancient Confucian Text," at The 17th International Congress of Aesthetics on "Aesthetics Bridging Cultures" organized by The SANART Association for Aesthetics and Visual Culture (Turkey) on July 12, 2007 at METU Technical University at Ankara, Turkey.
55. "Some Reflections on Multiculturalism and Asian Feminism and the Case of Cultural Policy Addresses and Women Rights in Hong Kong," at The Symposium "Multiculturalism and Asian Feminism" organized by The Korean Association of Feminist Philosophy on on July 7, 2007 at Ewra Women's University in Seoul, Korea.
56. “Discourses on Female Bodily Aesthetics and Their Early Revelations in the Book of Songs,” An International Conference on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History, organized by the Department of History, HKBU, June 21 & 22, 2007, HKBU.
57. “Confucian Aesthetics and the Suggestion of Its Reference to Western Feminist Aesthetics,” The Place of Femininity in East Asian Culture—Strategies of Asian Philosophical Feminism, The 2nd Conference of Asian Women’s Network in Philosophy, organized by the Centre of Philosophy, University of Toyko, January 5 & 6, 2007, in Tokyo, Japan.
58. “Some Reflections on Cultural Policy Addresses and Women Rights Issue in Hong Kong,” Symposium on “Rights: Circulation, Appropriation and Hegemony in Inter-Asia,” organized by Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, December 8, 2006, CUHK, Hong Kong.
59. “Global Aesthetics and Regional Identity: The Imaginary Space and Cultural Strategy of a Post-Colonial Development Project,” The 64th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, Organized by the American Society for Aesthetics in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, October 27, 2006.
60. “The Trinity of ‘Hong Kong –China- the World’: The Battle of Cultural Identities in Visual Art in Postcolonial Hong Kong (since 1990s),” Contemporary Asian Modernity: Transnationality, Interculturality, Hybridity,organized by HUM, LEWI, HIST, CTV and SOC of Hong Kong Baptist University, at HKBU, Hong Kong, September 9, 2006.
61. “Rethinking Art and Values: A Comparative Revelation of the Origin of Aesthetic Experience (from the Neo-Confucian Perspectives),” Aesthetics and the Dialogue Among Cultures International Symposium, organized by the Chinese Society for Aesthetics, Institute of Philosophy, CASS & Sichuan Normal University in Chengdu, China on June 26, 2006.
62. “A Historical Review and Reflection on the Confucian’s The Great Learning and Its Contemporary Implications on Higher Education,” University and Enlightenment: Historical Perspectives on Higher Education in China and the World, organized by Modern History Research Centre, HKBU., April 28, 2006.
63. “藝術與價值﹕當代英美美學的基源問題與儒學的詮釋,”「理解、詮釋與儒家傳統」學術研討會, 台灣中央 研究所主辦。二零零六年一月十二日於台北。
64. “A Cross-Cultural Response to Arnold Berleant’s ‘ Rethinking Aesthetics’,” The 63rd American Society for Aesthetics Annual Meeting, Providence, RI, USA, October 22, 2005.
65. “The Origin of Aesthetic Experience as the key to Comparative Aesthetics: The Case of Confucian Aesthetics and the Recent Suggestion of Its Reference to Western Feminist Aesthetics,” International Conference on Self & Subject: African & Asian Perspectives, The Ferguson Centre for African and Asian Studies, U.K., Edinburgh, September 22, 2005.
66. “Judith Butler’s Reading of the Sartrian Bodies and the Cartesian Ghosts,” Existence and Dialectic Thinking: Sartre’s 100th Birthday Anniversary Conference, Humanities Research Centre & Phenomenology and Human Sciences Research Centre, Chinese University of Hong Kong, April 29, 2005.
67. "The Artistic Practice in Post-Colonial Hong Kong: Private/Public? Personal/ Political? Self Exhibition/Cultural Identity?," the 8th Symposium on the subject "Thoughts and the Practice of Arts", the Tunisian Association of Aesthetics and Poetics in Hammamet, Tunis, March 27, 2005.
68. "Being and Surrounding: The Aesthetics and the Identity Strategies of the Hong Kong's West Kowloon Cultural District," International Colloquium on "Art and Its Strategies: Between Aesthetics and Politics," the Slovenian Society of Aesthetics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Oct. 22, 2004.
69. Attended the Fulbright Scholar Conference on “Harmony and Discord in the Multicultural United States”, Sponsored by the United States Department of State & Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Washington, DC, USA, March 24-27, 2004.
70. “Reflections on Traditional Chinese Women Embroidery: The Subject of Expression, Gender Identity and Fashion,” The 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, San Francisco, USA, October 2, 2003.
71. “A Contemporary Reflection of a Confucian Theory of the Body: “Natural” or Further Construction?” XXIst World Congress of Philosophy, organized by The International Federation of Philosophical Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, August 11, 2003
72. “A Confucian Reflection on the Future Prospects of Humanities Education: A Contemporary Re-reading of Confucian’s ‘Great Learning’,” Humanities Conference 2003: International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities. University of Aegean, Rhodes, Greece, July 3, 2003.
73. “中國傳統儒家知識論之當代意涵,” 二十一世紀中國文化世界論壇。中華炎黃文化研究會、香港浸會大學、香港中華文化促進中心主辦。香港浸會大學。2002年12月18日。
74. “關於女性主義哲學批判的一些基本反思,” 勞思光思想與中國哲學世界化學術研討會。台灣華梵大學、台灣大學主辦。台北台灣大學應用力學館。2002年11月24日。
75. “The Trinity of ‘Hong Kong- China-the World’: The Battle of Cultural Identities as a Form of Hegemony in Art in Postcolonial Hong Kong”, Colloquium on Hegemony in Art and Culture, organized by the Slovenia Society of Aesthetics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 8, 2002.
76. “Reclaiming the Body: Francis Bacon’s Fugitive Bodies and Confucian Aesthetics on Bodily Expression,” Conference on “Aesthetics and Culture: East and West,” organized by the Chinese Society for Aesthetics and the Beijing Second Foreign Languages University, Beijing, October 19, 2002.
77. “A Further Reflection on Some Feminist Perspectives in Epistemology”, Conference on Gender and Contemporary Literature, Terry Yip (HKBU) & Tam Kwok Kan (CUHK) at HKBU, Dec.,9,2002.
78. "Some Reflections on 'Feminist Aesthetics': Private /Public? Personal/ Political? Gender/ Post-Colonial?--- The Case of Young Women Art in Post-Colonial Hong Kong", XVth International Congress of Aesthetics: Aesthetics in the 21st Century, organized by the Japanese Society for Aesthetics and the Science Council of Japan at Tokyo, Japan, August 29, 2001. 
79. “西方哲學理念中的性別差異?”。首屆中國女性文學與文化高級研討班。北京首都師範大學主辦。2001年8月2日於中國北京國家圖書館。
80. “初探西方哲學中「客體化」觀念之性別意涵”。 宗教.哲學與大學教育理想學術研討會。香港中文大學宗教系、哲學系與大學通識教育部 。2001年6月14日於香港中文大學崇基學院。
81. “潘光旦論馮小青之影戀性心理” , Love & Sexuality Conference 2001 organized by the Department of Modern Languages and Culture, CUHK in Hong Kong on February 23, 2001.
82. “The Notion of ‘Orientalism’ in the Modernization Movement of Chinese Painting of Hong Kong Artists in the 1960s : The Case of Painter Hon Chi-fun,” Colloquium on Aesthetics as Philosophy of Culture, organized by the Slovenia Society of Aesthetics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 30, 2000.  
83. “Female Bodily Aesthetics, Politics, and Feminine Ideals of Beauty in China”, 57th American Society for Aesthetics (ASA) annual meeting, Washington D.C., October 27, 1999.
84. 《〈移風易俗, 莫善於樂〉--- 從西方現代藝術處境再思孔子樂教的智慧》。〈儒學研究國際會議〉。東方人文研究學會, 國立中央大學哲學研究所及中央研究院合辦。台北, 1999年9月。
85. “The View of Nature of Eco-feminism and Chinese Philosophy” at the 4th International Conference on “Confucian-Christian Dialogue” organized by the Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Ching Chi College at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on December 22, 1998.
86. "Kissing In China", 56th American Society for Aesthetics (ASA) annual meeting, Indiana University,  Bloomington, Indiana, U.S., November 7, 1998.
87. The Commonality of the Philosophical Agenda of Feminism and Chinese Philosophy: The Case of Gender and Science", 2nd Symposium on Field-Being and the Non-Substantialistic Turn, Fairfield, Connecticut, U.S., August 5, 1998.
88. 「勞思光早期思想中的人文精神」。 勞思光教授七十大壽學術研討會。台北。1997年12月。
89. "Experimental Paintings and Painting Theories in Colonial Hong Kong (1940-80)", 55th American Society for Aesthetics (ASA) annual meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S., November, 1997.
90. "Investigation on the Religious Dimension of Confucianism", the 9th Assembly of the Lutheran World   Federation (LWF), Hong Kong, July, 1997.
91. 「牟宗三論美感經驗之起源與西方美學新發展」。第四屆當代新儒家國際學術會議。台北。1996年12月。
92. "The Notion of Aesthetic Ganxing in 'Modern Aesthetics System' in Contemporary China", 54th annual meeting, American Society for Aesthetics, Montreal, October, 1996.
93. "Zhu Guang-qian's Aesthetics and the 'Modern Aesthetics System' in Contemporary China", International Conference of Zhu Guang-qian, Zong Bai-hua and Chinese Aesthetics moving towards the 21st Century, Huangshan, September, 1996.
94. "Some Reflections on the Notion of 'Feminist Aesthetics'", XIV Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, Prague, August, 1996.
95. "Reflection on a New Aesthetics and the Role of a Dance Critic", "Dance and Its Audience" International Conference, organised by Urban Council Hong Kong, Hong Kong Dance Alliance and International Association of Theatre Critics ( Hong Kong) at Science Museum, Hong Kong, October, 1995.
96. "Chinese Philosophy and the Suggestion of a Matriarchal Aesthetics", 9th International Congress in Chinese Philosophy, Boston University, August, 1995.
97. "Fashion and Women Identities in the Hong Kong 60s' ", XIIIth International Congress of Aesthetics: Aesthetics in Practice, Lahti, Finland, August, 1995.
98. 「牟宗三論 “智的直覺”與審美經驗的起源。」第三屆當代新儒學國際學術會議。香港中文大學。1994年12月。
99. "Problems of Female Subjectivity in Hong Kong Cat.III Pornographic Films", 16th Annual meeting, Ohio University Film Conference, Athens, Ohio, November, 1994.
100. "Trends in the Twentieth Century Chinese Aesthetics", 52nd Annual Meeting, Amercian Society for Aesthetics, Charleston, S.C., October 1994.
101. 「藝術史研究的當代挑戰與香港藝術史研究」。價值與社會研討會。香港:嶺南學院。1994年6月。
102. "The Portrait of Woman in Late Qing Erotic Painting" 51st Annual Meeting, American Society for Aesthetics, Santa Barbara, October 1993.  
103. 「現代舞及其社會涵義」。價值與社會研討會。香港:嶺南學院。1993年6月。
104. 「儒家父權社會中的道德主體性」。International Conference for Cultural Criticism, CUHK, Hong Kong, January 1993.
105.  "The Ideal and Limitations of ' Sageliness Within and Kingliness Without'," World Council of Churches, Jewish- Christian Dialogue on Wisdom in an East-West Setting, Hong Kong, November 1992.
106. "A Contemporary Marxist Reconstruction of the Confucian - Daoist Tradition on the Origin of Aesthetic Experience," American Society for Aesthetics - 50th Anniversary. Philadelphia, October 1992.

Talks, Invited Lectures, Host & Facilitator

1. “Female Bodies in China: Literati Fantasies, Iron Girls and Olympics Hoopla,” Department of Gender Studies, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC Canada. May 17, 2022
2. “Revelations of Chinese Philosophy and Feminist Philosophy, Comparative Studies and Case Studies,” Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada. May 16, 2022
3. “Evolution of Art and Moral Concerns in New China: From Mao Zedong’s Yenan Talks to Xi Jinping’s Speech on Artistic Practice,” Department of Philosophy, University of Victoria, Victoria, B C Canada. April 29, 2022
4. “Hong Kong Fashions and Woman Bodies in the 1960s”, UBC Cantonese Masterclass Series 4, Cantonese program, University of British Columbia, Canada. Feb 19, 2022
5. “Dialogue with Chan Koon Chung”, Seed Talk, HKBU, June 5, 2020.
6. “Revelations and Limitations of Feminist Philosophy and Comparative Studies”, speaker, Philosophy Colloquium, Department of Philosophy, University of Victoria, BC, Canada on March 26, 2019.
7. “The Trinity of “Hong Kong –China- the World: The Battle of Cultural Identities as a Form of Hegemony in Art in Postcolonial Hong Kong”, Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Hong Kong, Jan 31, 2019.
8. “The Ideas of University: Past and Present”, History Department, HKBU, History Museum of Hong Kong, Dec 9, 2018.
9. 主講嘉賓, “兩種真理”, 香港大學通識教育講座。 2018年2月26日。
10. “Female Bodies in China: Literati Fantasies, Iron Girls and Olympics Hoopla”, Women Studies Department, University of Washington, Washington, USA on April 13, 2017.
11 “愈活愈美麗” 。中國國情研習社。2016年5月13日。香港中環。
12. 主講嘉賓, “影像與道德”, 恆生商學院大學Assembly, 2015年11月19日。
13. On Ho Siu Kee’s Body Art, Cattle Pot Art Gallery, Hung Hom, Hong Kong. June 13, 2015.
14. “What is Beauty?” College Assembly, United College, CUHK, March 27, 2015.
15. 主講嘉賓, 「香港女性價值觀」。香港太平山獅子會「九月份午餐例會」, 香港銅鑼灣栢寧酒店. Sept 11, 2014。
16. Speaker, “A Feminist Reflection on ‘Thelma and Louise, “ Hong Kong Joint Publishing Co., Central Hong Kong, Jan 11, 2014
17. Speaker, “The Definability of Art in Modern and Contemporary Art,” CUHK Philosophy Alumni Association, Hong Kong, January 4, 2014.
18. Speaker, “先是人?先是女人?”。 香港中央圖書館演講廳。2013年12月6日。
19. Keynote speech, “A Historical Review and Reflection of the Confucian ’Great Learning’ and Its Contemporary Implications for Higher Education”, Forum on Humanities Research Under the Vision of Liberal Education, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing, October 10, 2013.
20. “On Nudity”, Fotan Cultian Festival, at Wah Wai Industrial Building, Fotan, HK. Jan 20, 2013.
21. Speaker, “Images and Morality,” New Art Studies in Filming Lecture Series, iCentre, Macau. Oct 14, 2012.
22. Speaker, “「愛在流行」:論祈克果的幸福觀 ”, 香港中央圖書館演講廳。2012年9月6日。
23. Speaker, "Gender and Sex in Local Context", Local Discourses Seminar 2011, Hong Kong, August 13, 2011.
24. “阿伯拉與哀綠綺思的情書,”「經典3.0」 兩岸三地四城名家講座系列。 大塊出版公司、TBFF台北書展基金會, 台北國際書展。 台北, 2011年2月13日。
25. Facilitator, International Dance Symposium, HK Dance Festival (ADC), at APA on Nov. 27, 2010. 
26. Speaker, “The Body as Aesthetics,” School of Creative Media, CityU, Hong Kong, Nov. 26, 2010.
27. Speaker, 「裸體美學中的愛與欲」 香港中央圖書館演講廳。2010年9月3日。
28. Speaker, “Women Values in Contemporary Hong Kong,” Belilios Public School 120th Anniversary Lecture Series, Hong Kong, March 23, 2010.
29. Speaker, “The Relation of “Self” and “Others” in the Confucian Traditions and Its Implications to Global Feminisms and Public Philosophies,” Philosophy Department, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US, Nov 20, 2009.
30. Speaker, “Philosophy of Kissing in China,” Philosophy Department, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US, Nov 16, 2009.
31. Speaker, “Female Body Ideals in Modern China,” East Asian Studies Colloquium, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, Nov 12, 2009.
32.  Speaker, “Female Bodies in China: Literati Fantasy, Iron Ladies and Olympic Hoopla”, Boheim Distinguish Lecture, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Oct 6, 2009.
33. Speaker, “「充餘之美」- 唐君毅先生論中國藝術精神,” 香港中央圖書館演講廳。2009年8月6日。
34 Speaker, “The Philosophy of Emotions,” Hong Kong Philosophy Society Public Talks Series, Hong Kong Central Library, October 3, 2008.
35. Special Lectures on Post-Colonial Art in Hong Kong; Feminist Aesthetics and Hong Kong Women Art of the 1990s & Contemporary Chinese Art, University of Primorskem, Koper, Slovenia, March 10-14, 2008.
36. Speaker, “Parent Seminar of Liberal Studies,” CEP, Hong Kong Central Library, April 29, 2007.
37. 「心靈通識講座」。香港道教聯合會主辦, 香港中央圖書館演講廳。2007年4月20日。
38. Speaker, “Women Values and Body Culture,” YWCA (HK), YMCA (Yau Yat Chuen Center), March 28, 2007.
39. Speaker, "Rethinking Art and Value: A Comparative Revelation on the Origin of Aesthetic Experience," Friends of HK Museum's Annual General Meeting, Hong Kong Club, Central, March 17, 2006.
40. Speaker, “Women Psychological Development and their Emotional Values,” True Light Middle School, March 10, 2007.
41. Speaker, Officiating Guest Speech, Opening of HK Art Biennial 2005, Hong Kong Museum of Art, December 15, 2005.
42.  Speaker, “Economics, Culture and Education in the Age of Globalization,” Commercial Press (HK), October 8, 2005.
43. Expert Panelist, “Internationalizing the Curriculum and Learning Environment With a Special Focus in East-West Studies,” International Workshop organized by LEWI, HKBU on November 18, 2004 at Hong Kong Baptist University.
44. Speaker, “Women Cinema according to Sylvia Chang,” Hong Kong Film Archive, August 21, 2004.
45. 「現實的虛擬與文學的虛構」, 第五屆香港文學節「文學新視野」-「社會現實與關懷」。香港藝術發展局, 康樂及文化事務署。香港中央圖書館演講廳。2004年7月3日。
46. “Female Bodily Aesthetics, Politics & Feminine Ideals of Beauty in China,” Ethics, Religion & Society Programs, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, April 2, 2004.
47. “Female Bodily Aesthetics, Politics & Feminine Ideals of Beauty in China,” University Lecture, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, March 31, 2004.
48. Fulbright Occasional Lecturer, “Traditional Chinese Women’s Embroidery: Reflections on the Interrelationship of Personal Expression, Gender and Fashion,” Agnes Scott College, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 2, 2004.
49. Fulbright Occasional Lecturer, “Contemporary Feminist Body Theories and Mencius’s Ideas of Body and Mind”, Philosophy Department, University of Texas in Austin, USA, February 27, 2004.
50. 「從女性角度看中國文化」, 【新亞研究所五十周年所慶暨中國文化座談會系列】。 新亞研究所所會主辦,2003年11月29日。
51. Speaker, “Adversity in Life,” True Light Middle School, Hong Kong, October 14, 2003.
52. Speaker, “Globalization and Pluralism,” FES & Breakthrough, HKUST, September 10, 2003.
53. Speaker, “Stage Acting vs. Film Acting,” International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Central Library, March 2, 2003.
54. Speaker, “Hong Kong Fashion and Women’s Identities in 1960s,” Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong : Tsimshatsui, July 20, 2002.
55. Speaker, “Let’s start from the reflection on woman body…,” The Hyde Park Forum, City Hall, HK, March 3, 2002
56. Invited Keynote Speaker, Symposium & Seminar on "Body, Culture and Religion", Lund University (Sweden), October 5 &6, 2001
57. Speaker, University Forum (HKBU), "Reading, Writing, Living", Academy Hall, March 27, 2001
58. Panelist, Forum on "Gender and Performance", Hong Kong Arts Centre, March 17, 2001
59. Commentator, "Forum on Arts and Cultural Development of Tertiary Institutions", Joint Committee on Cultural Development In Tertiary Institutions, HKBU, November 18, 2000.
60. Speaker, 2000 & 2001 Education & Careers Expo, Higher Education External Relations Association of Hong Kong, HK Convention Centre, HK. 5/2000.  
61. Expert speaker, 555 Inspirations Stars Grand Finale, BATC & China Academy of Social Sciences; Beijing, 7/2000.
62. Speaker, “Eco-Feminism and Tourism”, Web-site TV Interview by Altermedi.com, April 13, 2000.
63. Speaker, “Kissing in Chinese Culture,” Staff Seminar, Department of Sociology, HKBU, March 9, 2000.
64. Host of Seminar, Education & Careers Expo 2000, Higher Education External Relations Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre , February 25, 2000.
65. Speaker, “Female Bodily Aesthetics, Politics, and Feminine Ideals of Beauty in China,” Faculty Colloquium, Religion & Philosophy, HKBU, December, 1999.
66. Speaker, “Globalization”, Hong Kong in the 21st Century, Mission 2000, Hong Kong Christian Council, at Ward Memorial Methodist Church, Kowloon, November 22, 1999.
67. Speaker, “What a woman should have and should know”, Duchness of Kent Hall, Hong Kong University Student Union, HKU, January 15, 1999.
68. Speaker, "Woman Writing", Hong Kong Fringe Club, Central, Hong Kong, September 22, 1997.
69. Speaker, "On Feminist Philosophy", Invited Talk, Green Power of Hong Kong, February 14, 1997.
70. Speaker, "On Writing", Meeting with Readers, Hong Kong Literature Festival, Urban Council Library, Kowloon Central Library, January 9, 1997.
71. Speaker, "Chinese Philosophy and the Suggestion of a Matriarchal Aesthetics", Philosophy Colloquium, Philosophy Department and Women's Studies Program, Ohio University, November 7, 1996.
72. Speaker, "Post- Colonialism in Contemporary Artistic Creation ", Invited Talk, Hong Kong Arts Centre & International Association for Art Critics, Hong Kong Arts Centre, November 25, 1995.
73. Speaker, "The Roles of Gender in the Post-modern Society" (part II), Invited Talk, Centre for Educational Development, HKBU, September 30, 1995.
74. Speaker, "Sexual Dilemmas of University Students ", Civic Education Forum, Committee on General Education, Office of Student Affairs, University of Hong Kong, Sept., 14, 1995.
75. Speaker, "Recent Development of Cultural Criticism in Hong Kong", Literature Forum, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, June 4, 1995.
76. Speaker, "Trends in Twentieth Century Chinese Aesthetics", Department Colloquium, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy, HKBU, April 4, 1995
77.  Speaker, "The Role of Gender in the Post-modern Society", Invited Talk, Centre for Educational Development, HKBU, March 29, 1995
78. Speaker, "Suzie Wong and the image of Woman", Invited Talk , Hong Kong Arts Centre, November, 1994
79. Speaker, "Traditional Theories of Sex and 19th Century Erotic Paintings in China", Invited Talk, the Rotary Club of Kowloon Northwest, February, 1994
80. Speaker, "Sex Roles and the Making of Chinese Women", Invited Talk, Green Power of Hong Kong, February, 1994 
81. Speaker, "An Analysis of New Woman Writings in Hong Kong and Taiwan," Invited Talk, Jin Shi Tong Culture Ltd, Taiwan, October 1993.
82. Speaker, "Chinese Woman and Confucianism," Source Speaker for Asian Partners of Human Development, Commissions for Catholic Bishops, Taipei, September 1993
83. Speaker, "The Role of the Chinese Woman in the Rapidly Changing Hong Kong Family from a Confucian Perspective," Invited Talk, Christian Studies Center on Chinese Religion and Culture, May 1992
84. Speaker, "Man Ray: Photography, Fashion and Women," Invited Talk, Hong Kong Arts Center, January 1992
85. Speaker, "The Definability of Art and Wittgenstein," Invited Talk, Hong Kong Philosophy Society, December 1991
86. Speaker, "What is Art?" Invited Talk, Hong Kong Friends of Philosophy, October 1991
87. Speaker, "What is Beauty?," Invited Talk, Sogetsu Teachers' Association, September 1991
88. Speaker, "Philosophy of Religion," 6 lectures delivered at The Dharmasthiti Buddhist Institute (HK), May & June 1991



University Academic and Administrative Responsibilities (HKBU)

2021                              Member, Emeritus Professors and Chair Professors Recommendation Panel, HKBU
2019-2021                    Member, Personnel Committee, HKBU Council
2019- 2021                   Council member, HKBU
2021-                            Member, Vetting Panel of HKBU Visiting Fellowship Scheme and Key Research Partnership Scheme
2017​ –                          Member, Undergraduate Regulation Committee, HKBU
2017                             Citation writer and orator of our Honorary University Fellows (HUFs) and Honorary Degree (HD) recipients, HKBU
2016                             Citation writer and orator of our Honorary University Fellows (HUFs) recipients, HKBU
2016​ –                          Council member (elected), HKBU
2015​ – Present            Member, Board of Governors, Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies, HKBU
2012 – Present            Co-opt member (elected annually), Faculty Review Panel, Arts Faculty, HKBU
2011 – Present            Senate member, HKBU
2011 – Present            Resident Hall Master, Soong Hall, HKBU
2013 – Present            Member, Student Residence Management Board, HKBU
2015 – 2016                 Member, Management Board, Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, HKBU
2014 – 2017                  Executive Associate Dean of Graduate School, HKBU
2013                              Member, Selection Sub-Committee (for Scholarly Work & Young Researcher), President’s Award for Outstanding Performance
2013                              Council Committee member (Student Affairs Committee)
2013 – 2014                  Council Committee member (Honorary Doctorate Nomination Committee)
2013                              Chair, Accreditation of B.A. (Hons) in China Studies, HKBU  
6/2013 – 6/2014         Head, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, HKBU
2013                              Cost Centre Leader in Cultural Studies, HKBU, for UGC’s RAE 2014
2013                              Chief organizer, Conference on The Future of Cantonese Culture in HK, HMW, HKBU
2011/2012                    Acting Director, Visual Art Academy, HKBU
2010/2011                    Chair, Accreditation of B.A. (Hons) in Music Studies, HKBU & CIE 
2010/2011                    Acting Head, Humanities Programme, HKBU
9/2008 – 2010             Programme Co-ordinator, B.A. in Liberal and Cultural Studies, HUM & CIE, HKBU
9/2007 – 8/2008        Arts Faculty Representative, Advisory Committee on Graduate Employment, HKBU
5/2006 –                       Adjudicator, Dreams of the Red Chamber Literary Award, HKBU
9/2005- 8/2007          Member, Honorary Degrees Committee, Council Committee, HKBU
10/2004 -                     Co-ordinator, International Writers Workshop Inauguration Ceremony
7/2004- 6/2008          Hall Fellow, Y.P. Cai Hall, HKBU
10/2000 –                     Chair, Arts Faculty Outreach Committee, HKBU
9/1998 – 2008             Programme Head, Humanities, HKBU
9/2000 – 2008            Senate member (-2004 member, Course Accreditation & Review Committee)
9/1999 – 1/2000         Acting Programme Head, Humanities, HKBU
9/1998 – 8/2000         Senate member (elected representative of the Arts Faculty), HKBU (member, Academic Regulations and Review Committee)
2/1998 – 2/1999          Associate Course Leader, Humanities, HKBU 
Summer, 1995              Acting Course Leader, Humanities, HKBU  
Summer, 1994              Acting Course Leader, Humanities, HKBU  
Summer, 1993              Acting Course Leader, Humanities, HKBU  

Honorary Scholar

1996 – 1999                  University Honorary Scholar (Chinese Culture), School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University 

Academic Fellowship

2005 – 2008                 Fellowship, LEWI, HKBU
2014 –                            Member, The Academy of Humanities, UGC, HKSAR


Public & Professional Service

Professional Consultancy for Government Bodies HKSAR

1/2023 - 2026             Chair, Art Criticism Committee, Hong Kong Art Development Council, HKSAR
11/2022 - 2025            Member, Acquisition Committee, M+, WKCD, HKSAR
6/2018- 2020              Member, Humanities Subjects Review Panel, Research Assessment Exercise, UGC, HKSAR
3/2018                          Member, Interview Panel, Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme, HKSAR
1/2017 – 4/2020         Member, Expert Advisory Panel, HK Culture Gallery of HK Heritage Museum
10/2014 – Present      Member, Art Museum Advisory Panel, Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR
5/2014 – Present        Member, Public Libraries Advisory Committee, Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR
11/2012 – Present       Member, Art Form Panel, Drama, LCSD, HKSAR
5/2014 - Present        Advisor, Art Criticism, HK Arts Development Council, HKSAR
2011 - 2019                   Expert Adviser, arts education and dance for our Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme (ACDFS / 藝能發展資助計劃)
2/2012 - 2016              Expert Advisor, Stamp Design committee, Post Office, HKSAR
9/2011 - 9/2012          Expert Adviser, Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme, HKSAR
2011 - 2014                   Consultant, Art Education, HK Museum of Art, LCSD, HKSAR
2010 – 2012                  Member, Art Form Panel, Dance and Multi-Arts, LCSD, HKSAR
5/2009 - 12/2014       Advisory Committee member, The Intangible Cultural Heritage, Home Affairs, HKSAR
1/2008 – 12/2013       Member, Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC)
1/2008 – 12/2013       Vice-Chair, Visual Art Committee, HKADC, HKSAR
11/2006 – 10/2010     Member, Art Form Panel, Festivals, LCSD, HKSAR
5/2004 - 3/2012         Honorary Consultant, Museums (Hong Kong Art), Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR
8/2004 - 4/2009        Member & Co-Chair of the Ethics Committee, Council on Human Reproduction Technology (appointed by the Chief Executive, HKSAR)
12/2007 - 11/2009      Member, Certifying Body of the Hong Kong-Canada Film and Television Co-production. (nominated by the Secretary for Commerce, Industry & Technology, Government Secretariat, Hong Kong)
7/2007                         Consultant, Reading Hong Kong (Special project for the Book Festival 2007), Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Hong Kong
8/2003                         Panelist, Research Panel of “Appreciation Index Survey on Art Appreciation,” Hong Kong Arts Development Council
7/2002 - 12/2004       Consultant, Film & Video Development, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
7/2002 - 12/2004       Consultant, Visual Arts Development, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
7/2002- 12/2004        Consultant, Literary Arts Development, Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Council member & Professional Consultancy for Public Bodies

2023 - 2026                 Chair, Art Criticism Committee and Council Member, HKADC, HKSAR
2022 - 2024                 Member, Acquisition Committee, M Plus Museum Company Ltd., HKSAR
2020- 2022                  Member, Board of Directors, Tai Kwun Arts Board, HKJC
2020- 2022                  Member, Programme Committee, Tai Kwun Culture and Arts Company Ltd. HKJC
2016 - 2019                  Member, Advisory Committee, Arts and Heritage, The Jockey Club Central Police Station Ltd.
2015 - Present             Member, Work Group of Contemporary Arts Management, Tai Kwun, HKJC
2013 - 2015                  Member, Selection Committee for the Heritage and Contemporary Art Operator of the Jockey Club Central Police Station Revitalization Project (HKCPS)
7/2009 - 2012             Member, Advisory Board, Cyberport
4/2007 - 3/2013         Member, Board of Trustees, The HK Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, (appointed by the Secretary for Home Affairs, HKSAR)
6/2008 – 6/2011        Subject Specialist, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications
4/2007 – 3/2010        Member, Board of Trustees, HK Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund

Director & Member of Artistic Bodies

2023 - 2026                 Chair, Art Criticism Committee and Council Member, HKADC, HKSAR
2022 - 2024                  Member, Acquisition Committee, M Plus Museum Company Ltd., HKSAR
2020 -2023                   Member, Board of Directors, Tai Kwun Culture and Arts Company Ltd, HKJC
2/2015 - Present         Member, Consultants Committee, Academic Award of Art China (AAC), PRC
2001 - Present             Director, Creative Horizon (Culture) Limited
2007 - Present            Director & Vice Chair, City Contemporary Dance Company, Hong Kong
1/2002 - 2016              Director, Ia Space (Visual Art group sponsored by the HK Art Development Council)
7/2001 - 2007             Director, Hong Kong Dance Company Ltd.
12/2001 - 2014            Director, The Actors’ Family (Theater group sponsored by the HK Art Development Council)

Media Expert

2022                              Column Writer, Mingpao
2009 - 2019                 Column Writer, Wen Hui Pao
1997 - Present             Programme Host, "Talk East, Talk West," cultural programme, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)
1994 - 2019                  Column Writer (on Philosophy), Hong Kong Economic Journal
2005 - 2007                 Column Writer, Singtao Weekly, Canada
2000 - 2003                 Column Writer, SingTao Daily
6/2000 - 9/2001        Column Writer (on Philosophy), Hong Kong Economic Times
1/2000 - 6/2000        Column Writer, edaily electronic magazine
2000                             Programme Host, “General Education Plaza”, RTHK
1994 - 2008                 Column Writer, Ming Pao Daily
2004                             Subject Expert, Member of Viewing Panel (Youth and Music Channel), Cable TV (HK)
1993 - 1995                  Member of Audience Consultancy Panel (Education and Cultural Programs), RTHK


2021                               Adjudicator, The 3rd HK Digital Advertising Start-ups X Publishing (Writers) Promotion Support Scheme, Create HK,                                               HKSAR
2018                               Adjudicator, Dance Essay Award (Jean Cohen Prize), American Society for Aesthetics
2014/15                         Chair, Selection Committee, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship for Disabled Students
2011 -                             Adjudicator, HK Film Awards, HK Film Awards Association.
2008 -                           Adjudicator, Red Chamber Literary Award
2007 & 2011                  Adjudicator, HK Theatre Design Exhibition, HK Association of Theatre Technicians & Scenographers & The HK Centre of OISTAT
7/2005                          Adjudicator, Hong Kong Art Biennial, 2005
2/2003                          Adjudicator, Essay Competition on Modern Women, Women’s Commission HK
2/2002                          Adjudicator, Essay Competition on the notion of Public Service, KCR
2/2001                          Adjudicator, High Order Thinking Speech Contest 2001 - Heat, HKBU
1/2001                          Adjudicator, Student Essays Competition, Student Affairs Office, HKBU
10/2000                       Member, Panel of Judges, Outstanding Book Report Award, Home Affairs Bureau, Leisure & Cultural Services                                                          Department & Education Department, 2000.

1998                              Adjudicator, Drama session, the 4th Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards organized by the Provisional                                          Urban Council (HK) and the HK Arts Centre


Academic Advisor

2019 -                            Chair, Academic Committee, Hong Kong Arts School, Hong Kong Arts Center
2017 - 2022                   Academic Advisor, Art Board, Lo Wu Art Museum, PRC.
12/2015 –  2021            Member, Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division Advisory Committee, SCE, HKBU
11/2012 - 10/2016        Member, Advisory Committee, College of Professional and Continuing Education, HKPU

1/2012 - 12/2015          Academic Advisor, Humanities, Communication and Design Studies Programme, SPEED, HK Polytechnics University

1/2012 - Present          Member, Departmental Advisory Committee, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, HKIEd.

2011 - 2012                    Member, Planning Committee, International Writers Workshop

2010 - 2011                   Member, Faculty Quality Assurance Panel

Member, Planning Committee, International Writers Workshop
Co-opt member, Employment for Research Assistant Professor in School of Communication, HKBU
Co-opt member, Employment for Associate Professor/ Professor in Social Work, HKBU

2010 - 2011                   Interview Panelist, Employment for Professor in Sociologist, HKBU

Interview Panelist, Employment for Assistant/ Associate Professor in Social Work, HKBU/p>

2009 - 2010                 Acting Programme Head, Humanities

Representative, Arts Faculty, HKBU, Higher Education Expo, Beijing (March 12 to 15, 2010)
Career Mentoring, HUM (June)
Co-ordinator, Xian Study Tour, HUM (June)
Co-ordinator, MVA, HUM
PMC Member, HUM
Concentration Co-ordinator, HUM
Adjudicator, Dreams of the Red Chamber Literary Award, HKBU
Organizing Committee Member, IWW

2008 - 2009                 Career Mentoring, HUM
2008 - 2009                 Organized Prof Gao Jianping, Tin Ka Ping Scholar Program (March 30 to April 3, 2009)
2008 - 2009                 Organized the Top-Up Programme, B.A. in Liberal and Cultural Studies, with CIE, HKBU
2008 - 2009                 Member, Organizing Committee, AOE, ARTD, HKBU
9/2005-2009               Chair, Advisory Board, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
11/2004 – 6/2008       Member of Advisory Board, English Language and Literature Department, Hong Kong Shue Yan College

Assessor & Referee

5/2015                         External Assessor, Revalidation of BA (Hons) in English, HKSYU.
10/2014                        External Programme Assessor, B.A. (Hons) Creative Writing and Film Arts Programme, The Open University of Hong Kong
26/3/2014                   Chair, Re-validation Panel, B.A. in Applied and Media Arts, CPCE, HKPU
14/2/2014                    External member, Five-year Programme Review for BA Visual Studies Programme, Lingnan University
24/1/2014                    Re-Accreditation Panel member, Department of Creative Arts and Culture, HKIED
7/2010                          Accreditation Panel member, HKCAAVQ for HKIED, HK
10/5/2010                    Re-Accreditation Panel member, MA in Practical Philosophy, Lingnan University, HK
15-17/0/2006              Accreditation Panel member, HKCAA for MFA (Dance), APA, HK
9/1/2006                     Validation Panel Member, M.A. in Media Cultures Programme, City U of HK
2/2004                         Assessor for teaching staff promotion, School of Creative Media, City U of HK
2/2004                         Assessor for teaching staff promotion, School of Design, HKPU
9/2001 -                      Examiner (Literary arts), Hong Kong Arts Development Council
9/2001                         Assessor for publication project, Hong Kong University Press, HKU
1/2001                         Referee reader, Journal of Basic Education, CUHK
6/1999                         Appointment Assessor, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong

External Examiner

2017 –  2019                External Examiner, Higher Diploma, Tung Wah College, CUHK
2005 – 2014                External Examiner, English Department, ShueYan University
11/2003                       External Examiner, Ph.D., Philosophy Department, CUHK
11/2003                       External Examiner, M. Phil., Department of Fine Arts, University of Hong Kong
3/2002                        Co-supervisor, Inter- Cultural Research, LEWI Resident Graduate Scholarships (RGS)
1/2002                        External Examiner, Ph.D., Department of Comparative Literature, HKU
9/2000 –                    External Examiner, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University
7/2001                        External Examiner, for 4 MPhil. Candidates, Inter-cultural Studies, CUHK
5/2001                        External Examiner, MPhil., Applied Social Sciences, HKPU  
10/1996                      External Examiner, M. Phil., Department of Fine Arts, University of Hong Kong
1995 – 1998                External Examiner, Contextual Studies [B.A.Hons], Swire School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hong Kong Examination Authority

1992 – 1998                Member, the Sixth Form Liberal Studies Subject Committee, Hong Kong Examination Authority