Ph. D. Theatre Studies, City University of New York
Area of Interests:
History of Chinese Cinema / Aesthetics of Chinese films / Theatre Aesthetics / Hong Kong Performance Studies
Major Highlights:
2016 | Outstanding Service to Dance for the book In Search of Hong Kong Dance, Dance Award 2016, Hong Kong Dance Alliance |
Lo Wai Luk, ed. (2016), Anthology of Hong Kong Literature (1919 – 1949): Drama. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. | |
2015 |
Lo Wai Luk (March 2015), “The Cultural Politics of 20th Century Hong Kong Drama – Discussion on Several Phenomena,” in Chen and others ed. Hong Kong: Metropolitan Imagination and Cultural Memory, Beijing: Beijing University Press, 293 – 306. 〈20世纪香港戏剧的文化政治 - 几个现象概述〉,陈平原等编《香港:都市想象与文化记忆》(北京:北京大学出版) ,页293 - 306。 |
2014 |
Lo Wai Luk (Nov 2014) , ”Between Hong Kong and China – Several Phenomena in the Cultural History of Hong Kong Cantonese Cinema,” in Eva Man ed. Cantonese Culture of Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Commercial Press), 100 – 119. 〈在香港和中国之间 - 香港粤语电影文化史上的几个现象〉,文洁华编《香港嘅广东文化》(香港:商务印书馆) ,页100 - 119。 |
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Ph. D. Theatre Studies, City University of New York |
Positions Held
2005- | Associate Professor | School of Communication, HKBU |
1997-2005 | Assistant Professor | School of Communication, HKBU |
1996-97 | Visiting Lecturer | Division of Humanity, HKUST |
1995-96 | Visiting Lecturer | School of Design, HK Polytechnic University |
1994-96 | Part-time Lecturer | Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts |
Hong Kong Baptist University | ||
School of Continuing Education, HKCU | ||
Hong Kong Arts Centre | ||
1994-2003 | Guest Director | Chung Ying Theatre Company |
Southern China Film Workers Union | ||
Hong Kong Film and Television Theatrical Association | ||
Horizonte Theatre Company | ||
Shatin Theatre Company | ||
1991-92 | Lecturer | Department of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist College |
Selected Publications or Creative Works
Academic Books
Lo Wai Luk, ed. (2016), Anthology of Hong Kong Literature (1919 – 1949): Drama. Hong Kong: Commercial Press |
Lo Wai Luk (2015) In Search of Hong Kong Dance,sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Hong Kong: International Association of Theatre Critics (HK). |
Lo Wai Luk (2012) Perspectives on Contemporary Hong Kong Theatre, sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Hong Kong: International Association of Theatre Critics (HK). |
Lo Wai Luk (2011) Collected Drama Criticism: Twenty Years. Hong Kong: International Association of Theatre Critics (HK). |
Lo WaiLuk (2010) Dance Words: Criticism, Aesthetic Discourse, and Creative Writings, sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Hong Kong: International of Theatre Critics. |
Lo Wai Luk, ed. (2007) Anthology of Hong Kong Drama Criticisms (1960 – 1999), sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Hong Kong: International Association of Theatre Criticism (HK). |
Lo Wai Luk, co-ed. (2007) Listing of Hong Kong Drama Critisism (1960 – 1999), sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Hong Kong: International Association of Theatre Critic (HK). |
Lo Wai Luk ed. (2007) Hong Kong Theatre Journal Vol 7, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Lo Wai Luk (2007) Taste of Drama – Dramaturgical Remarks of Performances of Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Company. Hong Kong: International Association of Theatre Critics (HK). |
Selected Creative Writings and other Books
Lo Wai Luk (2010), Perhaps it is Connected by Randomness (poetry collection). Hong Kong: Creative Book Shop. |
Lo Wai Luk (2008), Collected Plays of Wai Luk Lo, sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Hong Kong: International Association of Theatre Critics (HK). |
Lo Wai Luk (2005), Remarks on Creative Writings. Hong Kong: Creative Book Shop. |
Lo Wai Luk (2002), Searched, Others (prose collection). Hong Kong: Creative. |
Lo Wai Luk(1999)。New York Note Book, sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Hong Kong: Sunflower Workshop |
Lo Wai Luk (1997)。In Search of Myself (poetry), sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Development Council. Hong Kong: SuYeh Publishing. |
Selected Journal articles, book chapters (2009 – 2016)
Lo Wai Luk, ed. (2016), “Introduction,” Anthology of Hong Kong Literature (1919 – 1949): Drama (Hong Kong: Commercial Press), 43 – 74. |
Lo Wai Luk (March 2015), “The Cultural Politics of 20th Century Hong Kong Drama – Discussion on Several Phenomena,” in Chen and others ed. Hong Kong: Metropolitan Imagination and Cultural Memory, Beijing: Beijing University Press, 293 – 306. 〈20世纪香港戏剧的文化政治 - 几个现象概述〉,陈平原等编《香港:都市想象与文化记忆》(北京:北京大学出版) ,页293 - 306。 |
Lo Wai Luk (Dec 2014), “The Tragic Awakening of the Chinese Cinema in the New Era (1979b – 1989), Journal of Guizhou University, Vol 28, No 6, 39 -55. 〈新时期中国电影的悲剧觉醒〉,《贵州大学学报艺术版》第二十八卷第六期,页39 - 55。 |
Lo Wai Luk (Nov 2014) , ”Between Hong Kong and China – Several Phenomena in the Cultural History of Hong Kong Cantonese Cinema,” in Eva Man ed. Cantonese Culture of Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Commercial Press), 100 – 119. 〈在香港和中国之间 - 香港粤语电影文化史上的几个现象〉,文洁华编《香港嘅广东文化》(香港:商务印书馆) ,页100 - 119。 |
Lo Wai Luk (Sept 2014), “Eternal Innocence – Children Star Culture of Early Chinese Cinema and the Screen Image of Lai Heng,” (Hong Kong: Creative Book), 〈永远的纯粹童真 -从早期中国电影的童星文化看黎铿的银幕形像〉,费明仪等编《著名童星、朗朗艺术家黎铿》(香港:创造书店) ,页41 - 53。 |
Lo Wai Luk (Aug 2014), “The Cultural Imagination of Hong Kong Cantonese Martial Arts Films of 1950s – 60s,” in Eva Man ed., The Politics of Cantonese : The Differences and Multiplicity of Hong Kong Cantonese (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press), 65 – 79. 〈五六十年代香港粤语功夫片的文化想象〉,文洁华编《粤语的政治:香港粤语的异质与多元》(香港:中文大学出版社) ,页65 - 79。 |
Lo Wai Luk (July 2014). “The Dynamics of Frame: Framing and Reframing in Wong Kar-wai’s Films”Avanca∣Cinema 2014, Portugal, 1465 – 1472. |
Lo Wai Luk (March 2014), “The Acting and Screen Image of Hong Seng Nui,” Film Art, Vol 335, 2014 No 2 (Beijing: Association of Chinese Film Artists), 140 – 146. 〈红线女的表演艺术与银幕形象〉,《电影艺术》2014年第二期,总355期(北京:中国电影家协会) ,页140 - 146。 |
Lo Wai Luk (Dec 2013), “Handsome Scholar and Blant Young Man: The Two Faces of Yam Kim Fa,” Siu Han Wong, ed., One Hundred Years of Haunting Beauty: International Conference on Yam Kim Fai (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Press), 293 – 305. 〈风流才子与憨直少年:任剑辉的两张脸〉,黄兆汉编《惊艳一百年 - 二O一三纪念任剑辉女士百年诞辰粤剧艺术国际研讨会论文集》(香港:中华书局),页293 - 305。 |
Lo Wai Luk (July 2013). “Embodied Chineseness: A Study of Bruce Lee’s Screen Image and Body Character” Avanca∣Cinema 2013, Portugal, 147 – 154. |
Lo Wai Luk (Dec 2012), “Hong Kong Drama: Cultural Politics and Aesthetic Nature,” in 35th Anniversary of Hong Kong Repertory Theatre(Hong Kong: Hong Kong Repertory Theatre), 65- 73. 〈香港戏剧:文化政治与美学特质〉,潘璧云编《香港话剧团35周年戏剧研讨会 -「戏剧创作与本土文化」讨论实录及论文集》(香港:香港话剧团),页65 - 73。 |
Lo Wai Luk (Dec 2011), “The Cultural Politics and Aesthetic Practices of Contemporary Hong Kong Dram: on Several Post-modern Paradigms,” Journal of Modern Chinese Literature, Vol 20, 35 – 56. 〈当代香港戏剧艺术的文化政治与美学实践 – 兼谈几个本土后现代主义范式〉,《中国现代文学》半年刊,第二十期,页35 - 56。 |
Lo Wai Luk (Nov 2011), “Shadow Play and Non-Shadow Play – The Evolution of Film Language in Early Chinese Cinema,” in Chinese Cinema: Tracing the Origins (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Archive), 206 – 220. 〈「影戏」与「非影戏」 - 早期中国电影的电影语言演进〉,《中国电影溯源》,香港:香港电影资料馆,页206 -220。 |
Lo, Wai Luk (Sept 2011). “Traditional Chinese Aesthetics and Contemporary Chinese Films—Applying the idea of Qi-yun to understand the temporal structure of selected films of Hou Hsiao-hsien,” East Asian Cinema and Cultural Heritage: From China, Hong Kong, Taiwan to Japan and South Korea. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan,81 - 100. |
Lo Wai Luk (March 2011), “The Aura of Time: On the Artistic Construction of the Central Union Film Company,” in The Memories of Tim: Central Union Film Company (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Archive). 〈时代的气韵:说「中联」的艺术构成〉,《我为人人:中联的时代记忆》,香港:香港电影资料馆。 |
Lo Wai Luk (March 2011), “From Lu Dun’s Art Pr |