Area of Interests:
Cinematography & Lighting
Major Highlights:
2016 | Appointed judge of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPS) 2016 |
1993 |
“Best Cinematography”, the 12th Hong Kong Film Awards 第十二届香港电影金像奖「最佳摄影」 |
1990 |
“Best Cinematography”, the 27th Golden Horse Awards 第廿七届台湾金马奖「最佳摄影」 |
1986 |
“Best Cinematography”, the 5th Hong Kong Film Awards 第五届香港电影金像奖「最佳摄影」 |
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2010 | 《叶问2》,电影摄影 (Ip Man 2, Cinematographer) | |
《月满轩尼诗》 ,电影摄影 (Crossing Hennessy, Cinematographer) | ||
1992 | 《阮玲玉》,电影摄影 (Centre Stage, Cinematographer) | 奖项:第十二届香港电影金像奖「最佳摄影」(Awarded with “Best Cinematography”, The 12th Hong Kong Film Awards) |
1990 | 《滚滚红尘》,电影摄影 (Red Dust, Cinematographer) | 奖项:第廿七届台湾金马奖「最佳摄影」(Awarded with “Best Cinematography”, The 27th Golden Horse Awards) |
1985 | 《生死线》,电影摄影 (The Island, Cinematographer) | 奖项:第五届香港电影金像奖「最佳摄影」(Awarded with “Best Cinematography”, The 5th Hong Kong Film Awards) |