elainekmchan@hkbu.edu.hk OR elainekmchan@gmail.com
Major Highlights:
- Author of Hong Kong Dark Cinema: Film Noir, Reconceptions, and Reflexivity, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
- Author of award-winning遇上黑色电影:香港电影的逆向思维, 香港: 中华书局, 2017
- Author of 南派传统粤剧艺术—经典粤剧古本《斩二王》, 香港:商务印书馆, 2019
- Author of a book chapter entitled 姫别霸王:梅派旦角的革新与当代粤剧的实验探索, 陈守仁及廖妙薇编, 南薛北梅:国际学术研讨会论文集,粤剧学者协会, 2018
- Winner of the Recommended Prize in the Literary Criticism Category of the 15th Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature (第十五届香港中文文学双年奖推荐奖) in 2019 with the Chinese-language edition of her monograph originally entitled in English as Hong Kong Dark Cinema: Film Noir, Reconceptions, and Reflexivity
- Winner of the Finalist Award of the International Film and TV Festival of New York as a co-director-producer with a 6-episodic TV documentary series entitled Generation 21: The Young Spirit of Asia, produced in Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Japan, Mainland China and Taiwan
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Selected Journals
- A Film Persona of Chin-hsia Lin: The Pleasure of Reflexivity and Identification, The International Journal of Cinema, No. 2, July, 2016
- Transformation of Visual Culture in Relation to the Spatial Experience of Postmodern Flâneurs: the Impact of MMORGs on Contemporary Chinese Cinema, Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009
- 戏曲电影的时空布局:任剑辉与黄鹤声, 黄兆汉编 ,任剑辉硏究II , 香港: 2014
Selected Creative Writing
- 方伶二十 (Feng Ling Er Shi), Hong Kong: Breakthrough Ltd., 1991 (This book compiles selectively the original scripts of a series of radio plays commissioned by Commercial Radio I and II for regular broadcast in 1990 for a year in Hong Kong.)