工商管理文學士(榮譽)(全球娛樂) 课程主任
编辑: Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images
2023 - Faculty/School of Creative Arts Performance Award in Service, Hong Kong Baptist University |
2023 - Long Sevice Award, Hong Kong Baptist University |
2022 - Visiting Scholar, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield |
2022 - Faculty/School/Academy of Visual Arts Performance Award in Scholarly Work (Early Career Researcher), Hong Kong Baptist University |
Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work 2018/19 by School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University |
Single-authored Books
Celebrity Activism and Philanthropy in Asia: Toward a Cosmopolitical Imaginary. Amsterdam University Press. (Forthcoming 2024) |
East Asian Auteurs, Cinephilia and the Media Platform Era (working title). (under contract with Edinburgh University Press) |
Reorienting Chinese Stars in Global Polyphonic Network: Voice, Ethnicity, Power, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. |
Chinese Stardom in Participatory Cyberculture, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019. |
Hong Kong Baptist University, Start-up Grant (Tier 2). “World Cinephilia and Asian Filmmakers in the Post-cinematic Era”. Principal investigator. HKD240,000. |
UGC RGC Early Career Scheme, “Renegotiating Film Authorship in Cyberspace: Chinese Filmmakers, Global Fans, Politics of Participation." Principal Investigator. HKD405,000. 2020. |
UGC RGC Competitive Research Funding Schemes: The Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), “Reimagining Chinese Celebrities in the Cosmopolitical Order: Humanitarianism, Social Media, Fan Identification.” Principal Investigator. HKD524,431. 2018. |
Area of Interests
Stardom / Celebrity / Fandom / East Asian cinema / Sinophone cinema / Hong Kong cinema / Screen culture / Digital media / Film theory |
Academic Qualification
PhD Comparative Literature, The University of Hong Kong |
MPhil Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University |
BA Comparative Literature, The University of Hong Kong |
2023 - current
Associate Professor, Academy of Film, Hong Kong Baptist University
2018 - 2023 Assistant Professor, Academy of Film, Hong Kong Baptist University |
2013 – 2018 Lecturer, Academy of Film, Hong Kong Baptist University |
2012 – 2013 Lecturer, Department of Comparative Literature, The University of Hong Kong |
2009 - 2012 Tutor, Department of Comparative Literature, The University of Hong Kong |
2005 – 2009 College Lecturer, Center for International Degree Programmes/Community College & School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong |
2002 – 2005 Lecturer, Department of English, Chu Hai College of Higher Education |
2000 – 2002 Tutor, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University |
1999 – 2000 Research Assistant, Department of Cinema and Television, Hong Kong Baptist University |
Awards, Honours and Scholarships
2023 - Faculty/School of Creative Arts Performance Award in Service, Hong Kong Baptist University |
2023 - Long Service Award, Hong Kong Baptist University |
2022 - Visiting Scholar, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield |
2022 - Faculty/School/Academy of Visual Arts Performance Award in Scholarly Work (Early Career Researcher), Hong Kong Baptist University |
Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work 2018/19 by School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University |
Excellent Team Performance Bronze Award by School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong (2006/2007) |
Silver Prize (Translated Works) of Gold Medallion Book Awards by the Association of Chinese Publishers, Hong Kong (2005) |
Research Grants
Hong Kong Baptist University, Start-up Grant (Tier 2). “World Cinephilia and Asian Filmmakers in the Post-cinematic Era”. Principal investigator. Grant: HKD240,000. |
UGC RGC Early Career Scheme, “Renegotiating Film Authorship in Cyberspace: Chinese Filmmakers, Global Fans, Politics of Participation." Principal Investigator. HKD405,000. 2020. |
UGC RGC Competitive Research Funding Schemes: The Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), “Reimagining Chinese Celebrities in the Cosmopolitical Order: Humanitarianism, Social Media, Fan Identification.” Principal Investigator. HKD524,431. 2018. |
HKBU Start-up Grant (Tier 1). “Asian Celebrities and Humanitarianism in the Global Age.” Principal Investigator. HKD10,000, 2018. |
Academy of Film, Hong Kong Baptist University. “Chinese Film Stardom in New Media Landscape.” Principal Investigator. HKD20,000, 2016. |
Single-authored Books
Celebrity Activism and Philanthropy in Asia: Toward a Cosmopolitical Imaginary. Amsterdam University Press. (Forthcoming 2024) |
East Asian Auteurs, Cinephilia and the Media Platform Era (working title). (under contract with Edinburgh University Press) |
Reorienting Chinese Stars in Global Polyphonic Network: Voice, Ethnicity, Power, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. |
Chinese Stardom in Participatory Cyberculture, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019. |
Referred Book Chapters / Journal Articles (Selected)
“Zhang Ziyi: An Alternative Female Martial Arts Stardom and The Logic of Indeterminacy”. Fighting Stars: Stardom and Reception in Hong Kong Martial Arts Cinema. Barrowman, Kyle, ed. Bloomsbury. (Forthcoming 2024) |
“Mashing-up the Bible’s “Passion” Story: Transmedia Adaptation and User Participation in the Post-celluloid Era.” Routledge Companion to Global Literary Adaptations in the 21st Century. London: Routledge. 2023. |
Co-author with Donnar, Glen. “Crisis, Vulnerability and Aged Action Stars: Hong Kong Celebrity Politics in an Era of Turmoil.” Asian Celebrity and Digital Media: The Transformation of Asian Celebrity Culture in the Digital Age, Xu, Jian, Donnar, Glen and Garg, Divya, eds. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Forthcoming 2023. |
Co-edit with Tan, Kenneth Paul. Special Issue: Narrating Cold Wars. Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images. 2(2), 2022. |
“Asian Celebrity Capital in Digital Media Networks: Scandal, Body Politics and Nationalism.” Media in Asia: Global, Digital, Gendered and Mobile. Kim, Youna, ed. London and New York: Routledge. 2022. 139-151. |
"Charity, Cantopop Stardom and the Pandemic: Aaron Kwok’s Online Concert 2020.” Celebrity Studies 12(4): 2021. 689-692. |
“Aamir Khan and Celebrity Humanitarianism in Asia: Towards a Cosmopolitical Persona.” Celebrity Studies 12(2): 2021. 234-249. |
“Gazing of the Wuxia Body: Digital Visual Effects, Looking Relations, and Spectatorship in Peter Chan’s Wu Xia (2011).” Digital Culture and Humanities: Challenges and Developments in a Globalized Asia. Kung, Kaby Wing-sze, ed. Singapore: Springer Singapore. 2020. 17-30. |
“Star Construction in the Era of Media Convergence: Pro-Am Online Videos, Co-creative Culture, and Transnational Chinese Icons on YouTube.” Media Culture in Transnational Asia: Convergences and Divergences, Park, Hyesu. ed. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 2020. |
“Discussing Takeshi Kaneshiro: The Polysemic, Pan-Asian Star Image on Internet Fan Forums,” positions: Asia media critique.26(4): 2018. 687-718. |
“Donnie Yen’s Star Persona in Amateur-produced Videos on YouTube,” Transformative Works and Cultures 28, “The Future of Fandom” (10th anniversary issue). 2018 |
“On (Not) Speaking English: The ‘Phonic’ Personae of Transnational Chinese Stars in the Global Visual Network.” Journal of Chinese Cinemas 12(1), 2018: 20-40. |
“Reframing Celebrities in the Post-Handover Hong Kong: Political Advocacy, Social Media, and the Performance of Denise Ho,” Hong Kong Studies 1 (1), 2018: 51-65. |
“Rearticulating Bruce Lee and his ‘Hip-Hop Fury’ in Fan Made Videos” in Lasting Screen Stars: Personas that Endure and Images that Fade. eds. Lucy Bolton and Julie Lobalzo Wright. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 291-303. |
“‘Friending’ Jet Li on Facebook: The Chinese Celebrity Persona in Online Social Network.” Journal of Asian Cinema 26(2), 2016: 169-192. |
“Remediating the Star Body: Donnie Yen’s Kung Fu Persona in Hypermedia,” Studies in Media and Communication 4(2): December 2016: 90-98. |
“The Matrix Hero on YouTube: Fan Vids as a Form of Transmedia Storytelling” in Social Media: Global Perspectives, Applications and Benefits and Dangers. ed. Annmarie Bennet. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2014, 89-106. |
“Actor or Ambassador? The Star Persona of Jackie Chan in Social Media.” Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies. March 2014: 1-17. |
“Donnie Yen’s Wing Chun Body as a Cyber-Intertext.” Journal of Chinese Cinema 7 (2), 2013: 157-173. |
“The Flickering of Jackie Chan: Transnational Chinese Film Stardom, Web 2.0, and the Signification of Performance.” The International Journal of the Humanities 8 (2), 2010: 11-22. |
“Between Personal Signature and Industrial Standards: John Woo as a Hong Kong Auteur in Hollywood.” LEWI Working Paper Series 22. Hong Kong Baptist University. 3.2004. |
Manuscripts Submitted/Accepted/Under Review
“Renegotiating Jia Zhangke’s Auteurist Identity on Douban.” Journal of Chinese Film Studies. (accepted) |
“Wong Kar-wai on Bilibili: Reconfiguring Hong Kong Auteurs in the Chinese Platformized Cinephilic Culture.” Journal of Chinese Cinemas. (submitted) |
“Intraregional Star Currency: Michelle Yeoh’s Goodwill Image and her Southeast Asian Connections in the Intermedial Space.” Inter-Asia Intermediality. Bernards, Brian and Gonzaga, Elmo, eds. University of Hawai‘i Press. (under review) |
“Michelle Yeoh and the Aging Discourse of Asian Female Celebrities.” Routledge Companion to Gender and Celebrity, Taylor, Anthea and McIntyre, Joanna, eds. (under review) |
Book Chapters / Journal Articles (Non-Referred Works)
「‘I Desire, Therefore I Am’:後現代資本主義與慾望的經濟」.《經世致用─經濟與神學 的另類想像》. 趙崇明編. 香港: 文藝出版社. 2016. |
香港電影人在荷里活. 《吳宇森電影講座》. 卓伯棠編. 香港: 香港浸會大學電影電視系, 天地圖書. 2005, 205-272. |
“Hollywood: An Unfailing Institution.” Film Appreciation Journal. Fall, No. 121. 10-12. 2004. |
“Interview With Karen Fang—The Writer of A Better Tomorrow”. Film Critics’ Quarterly. 7.2004: 28. |
Translation Projects
From Chinese to English
Cheuk, Pak Tong, Hong Kong New Wave Cinema (1978-2000), Bristol, UK / Chicago, USA: Intellect, 2008. |
From English to Chinese
Godawa, Brian. Hollywood Worldview: Watching Film with Wisdom and Discernment. Hong Kong: FES Press. 2005. |
Bordwell, David. “Transnational Space: Toward a Poetics of Chinese Cinema.” Film Appreciation Journal 104. 6-8.2000: 15-25, Co-trans. with Yeh Yueh-yu. |
Kleinhans, Chuck. “Becoming Hollywood: New Era of Hong Kong.” Film Appreciation Journal 105, 9-11.2000: 23-28, Co-trans. with Yeh Yueh-yu. |
Invited Seminars, Panels and Guest Lectures (Academic)
“Role of Film in Hong Kong Today.” Oxford University Hong Kong Scholars Association, July 1, 2023. |
“Reconfiguring Wong Kar-wai in China’s Platformized Cinephilic Culture.” Sheffield Center for Research in Film, University of Sheffield, April 26, 2023. |
“East Asian Stars and the Transnational Reception: The Case of Michelle Yeoh.” School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield, March 17, 2023. |
“Piccadilly (1929).” Panel: Women’s Representations in ‘Specialized Film’. The 2023 Mint Chinese Film Festival, February 4, 2023. |
“Recoding Asian Stars in the Cocreative Media Culture: Donnie Yen’s Persona in Digital Amateur Videos”, University of Sheffield, December 13, 2022. |
“Chinese Female Star Power in Translingual Media Culture: The Case of Michelle Yeoh.” China Center, University of Oxford, November 23, 2022. |
“The Silvering Hong Kong Screen: Time (2021), Representation of Old Age, and the Discourse of Aging Stardom.” Oxford University Hong Kong Scholars Association. November 19, 2022. |
“Reimagining East Asian Stars: Takeshi Kaneshiro’s Multilingual Media Persona,” SEAS seminar series. University of Sheffield, November 11, 2022. |
“The Silvering of Genre and Stardom: Time (2021), ‘Old Age’, and Rejuvenation on Contemporary Hong Kong Screen.” UBC Cantonese Popular Culture Master Class. University of British Columbia. February 22, 2022. |
“Re-examining Bruce Lee’s Kung Fu Persona in the Cyber Frontier: An Aural-based Approach.” SEAS seminar series. The University of Sheffield. December 3, 2021. |
“Asian Female Power On- and Off-screen: Michelle Yeoh’s Stardom in the Translingual Media Culture.” Research Postgraduate Program. Hong Kong Baptist University. November 16, 2021. |
“Construction and Reception of Transnational Chinese Stars in Global Film Networks: The Case of Michelle Yeoh.” American Studies Program. The University of Hong Kong. October 8, 2021. |
Book Talk: Reorienting Chinese Stars in Global Polyphonic Network: Voice, Ethnicity, Power. Hong Kong Baptist University. June 17, 2021. |
“Reworking of Film Star Persona in Amateur-produced Online Videos.” HKBU-SHU Online Workshop on Smart Media Technologies, AI and Ethics, and Film Arts. September 29, 2020. |
“Charity, Cantopop Stardom and the Pandemic: Aaron Kwok’s Online Concert.” The Asian Pandemic Panel Series: Asian Celebrity and the Pandemic: Misreading the Room?. Web. June 18, 2020. |
“From the Celluloid Screen to the Cyber Screen: Re-reading Film Stars in Participatory Culture.” The Read & Red: Pillars of PolyU Lecture Series, Faculty of Humanities, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. October 14, 2019. |
“Reimagining Film Stars in Cyberculture: Donnie Yen’s Martial Arts Body, Digital Poetics, and Co-creative Media Economies,” The Visual Cultural Studies program, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. September 27, 2019. |
“Intermedial Star Construction in the 1980s’ Hong Kong Cinema.” The Fourth International Conference on the Film Histories of Taiwan and Asia: Taiwan and Hong Kong Cinemas during the 1980s, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan, April 27-28, 2019. |
“Chinese Celebrities in Participatory Cyberspace.” The Education University of Hong Kong, March 28, 2019. |
“Chinese Stardom in Participatory Cyberculture.” Centre for China Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, March 25, 2019. |
“Reinventing Film Stardom in Digital Culture.” The University of Hong Kong. March 15, 2019. |
“Chinese Stardom in Participatory Cyberculture.” Hong Kong Baptist University, January 25, 2019. |
“Isango Ensemble - U-Carmen eKhayelitsha”, HK Arts Festival 2018 & Hong Kong Baptist University, February 8, 2018. |
“Watch Great Movies - Breathless”, Academy of Film, Hong Kong Baptist University, January 24, 2017. |
Conference Presentations (Selected)
“Cinephilic Remediation of the East Asian Auteurist Brand on Digital Platforms: The Case of Bong Joon-ho.” AAS Annual Conference. Seattle. March 15, 2024. |
(Speaker and respondent) “Intraregional Star Currency: Michelle Yeoh’s Goodwill Image and her Southeast Asian Connections in the Intermedial Space”. Inter-Asia Intermediality: A Two-Part International Workshop. Part II: The Chinese University of Hong Kong. June 11, 2022. |
“Exploring Celebrity Humanitarianism in Asia: Aamir Khan’s Cosmopolitical Persona in Transmedia Space.” Starring Asia: A Three-Day Conference on Asian Stardom and Celebrity, Melbourne, Australia, December 2-4 2019. |
“Star Construction in the Era of Media Convergence: Pro-Am Online Videos, Participatory Culture, and Donnie Yen’s Image on YouTube,” AAS-in-Asia, New Delhi, July 7, 2018. |
‘“Who is Mr. Kam, or … Mr. Kim?”: Takeshi Kaneshiro, Intermediality, and East-Asian Star Construction in the Culture of Convergence,’ Asia Intermedialities: New Objects, Themes, and Methods at the Convergence of East and Southeast Asian Cultural and Media Studies, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 26, 2018. |
“When Martial Arts Meets Star Wars: Amateur-produced Videos, Knowledge of Stars, Discursive Power.” The Third International Conference in Pop Culture and Education, Hong Kong: The Education University of Hong Kong, July 20, 2017. |
‘Remembering the “Dragon”: Fan-made Video Tributes of Bruce Lee in the Digital Participatory Era.’ Interdisciplinary Conference: Research and Teaching in the Digital Era: Dialogues on Screen, Literary, and Ecocritical Studies, Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, May 24, 2017. |
‘Authenticating the Martial Arts Body in Hong Kong Cinema: The Case of Dragon Tiger Gate.” RIDCH Conference: Digital Art and Film, Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong, July 4-6, 2016. |
“Gazing of the Wuxia Body: Digital Visual Effects, Looking Relations, and Peter Chan’s Wu Xia (2011),” RIDCH Conferences: Digitization and Reconceptualizations of the Humanities, Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong, December 17-18, 2015. |
“The Ethnic Star Phenomenon in Participatory Cyberculture: Chinese Movie Stardom, Zhang Ziyi, and YouTube,” The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities, Osaka, Japan, April 5-8, 2012. |
“The Martial-Arts Body as Cyber-Intertext: The Case of Donnie Yen,” Asian Cinema Studies Society Conference, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, March 16-20, 2012. |
“Friending the Star in the Networked, Participatory Culture: The Case of Jet Li on Facebook,” Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture Association Conference (Computer Culture Area), Albuquerque, USA, February 8-11, 2012. |
“The Flickering of Jackie Chan: Cosmopolitan Chinese Film Stardom, Web 2.0, and the Signification of Performance.” China-West: Cosmopolitics, Memory and Visual Media in the 21st Century, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 11-12, 2010. |
Invited Media Interviews
Sui, Cindy, “Hong Kong’s Film Industry Quietly Blooming Again, Despite Censorship.” Voice of America, June 13, 2023. https://www.voanews.com/a/hong-kong-s-film-industry-quietly-blooming-again-despite-censorship-/7135541.html |
iMoney, “Re-emergence of the Golden Era of Hong Kong Films.” Issue 812. May 13, 2023. |
NowTV, “The Rebounce of Hong Kong Films.” Now Report episode 351. April 23, 2023. https://fb.watch/k8gKmESK0S/ |
CNN, “Major night for Asian representation at the Oscars, with historic wins for ‘Everything Everywhere All at Onc’ and ‘RRR’.” March 13, 2023. https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/oscars-asian-representation-rrr-michelle-yeoh-intl-hnk/index.html?fbclid=IwAR0j0E2Rk1pxQlNBVDeEOYdxxg5NLn0UEGlAz8edO0LVpM9OCZ8DpwkZkio
Zolima, “Celebrity Culture under the Spotlight at Para Site.” December 23, 2022. https://zolimacitymag.com/celebrity-culture-spotlight-para-site-fandom-mirror-fanatic-heart/?fbclid=IwAR1AkBI5N1UGfg48QlKM4-sQYwsEnN0SUwBW5vcjBXGi9l_r2TRKSd2hnks |
The Voice, “Why Are the Public Response So Different to Janice Vidal and Hins Cheung who Talked About Their Faith in Their Concerts?” (衛蘭同張敬軒都係演唱會講信仰點解坊間反應咁唔同? July 12, 2022. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf6XjP1NzAO/ |
Ming Pao, “Future Cities: Hilariously Ridiculous, In Geek We Trust Saying Goodbye to “Flow-through” Comedies (未來城市:荒謬得引人發笑 《IT狗》向流水式喜劇說再見). February 6, 2022. https://m.mingpao.com/pns/副刊/article/20220206/s00005/1644086444493/ |
BBC News Chinese, The ‘Wu Jing’ Phenomenon: The Proliferation of Main Melody Films in China (吳京現象:中國“主旋律”電影盛行,背後的“投機性”隱憂). October 21, 2021. https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/chinese-news-58968702 |
BBC News Chinese. ‘Hong Kong Celebrities in the Controversy of Anti-extradition Law: “You Will Have Troubles if You Do Not Love Your Nation.”’ (逃犯條例風波中的香港藝人:「不愛國你就麻煩了」). July 17, 2019. https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-49008166 |
BBC News Chinese, The Backstory of the Defense of Jay Chou: The New Idols Fabricated by the Traffic Data on the Web (周杰倫保衛戰背後:互聯網流量撐起的新偶像). July 27, 2019. https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-49114897 |
The Hollywood Reporter, ‘Inside Disney’s Bold $200M Gamble on ‘Mulan’: “The Stakes Couldn’t Be Higher”.’ February 26, 2020. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/inside-disneys-bold-200m-gamble-mulan-stakes-couldnt-be-higher-1280999 |
SCMP. “How Gender Inequality in Film and Entertainment Isn’t Just a Hollywood Problem.” March 6, 2020. https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/entertainment/article/3065232/how-gender-inequality-film-and-entertainment-isnt-just |
BU Horizon, Issue 2, 2019-20. “Reviving the Local Flavour of Hong Kong Films.” https://cpro.hkbu.edu.hk/en/communication_collaterals/detail/Reviving-the-local-flavour-of-Hong-Kong-films/?fbclid=IwAR3MyXJCoMKjL6lxDjX2aRDAqfiT41d0ZFC5NeZq521iyvkH8zkD6zUcSvg |
Professional Experiences
Journal Editor
Managing Editor, Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images |
Journal Reviewer
Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, Quarterly Review of Film and Video, Journal of Asian Cinema, Celebrity Studies, European Journal of Cultural Studies, China Perspectives, Chinese Journal of Communication, Ex-position, Plaridel Journal, Journal of Chinese Film Studies, Global Media and China, International Journal of Cultural Studies |
2018 The First Global University Film Awards (first round selection) |
2019 The Second Global University Film Awards (first round selection) |
International Research Postgraduate Conference on Method in Asia, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. October 27, 2018. |
Organizing Committee Member
Academic conference: Global Storytelling, Academy of Film, Hong Kong Baptist University, December 8-10, 2019. |
Community Service (as invited guest speaker)
“From Hong Kong to Hollywood: Michelle Yeoh’s Transnational Star Image and its Cultural Politics.” (從香港到荷里活:楊紫瓊的跨國明星形象及其文化政治), organized by Pause Space FES. February 25, 2023. |
Film Salon - Mad World, organized by Mission Covenant Church Oriental Church, September 18, 2019. |
“On The Sentence”, Sundance Friday: Women Power, organized by Sundance Film Festival, Hong Kong. December 7, 2018. |
“Spirituality in Film” (光影中的靈性), organized by Spiritual Formation International, November 12, 2016. |
“Trauma and Transcendence: The Films of Hirokazu Kore-eda and an Exploration of Spirituality” (創傷 與超越:是枝裕和電影與靈性探索), organized by Spiritual Formation International, April 6, 2018. |
“Isango Ensemble - U-Carmen eKhayelitsha”, co-organized by HK Arts Festival 2018 & Hong Kong Baptist University, February 8, 2018. |
“Local Culture and Foreign Influence: The Film Environment that Shaped John Woo,” organized by Hong Kong Film Archive, Hong Kong, December 12, 2002. |
The Asian Media and Cultural Studies Network (2020-current) |
Chinese Communication Association (2014-15) |