創辦者及總編輯: Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images

Ph.D. (Radio/Television/ Film, University of Texas at Austin)

Area of Interests: 
TV and Web Drama and Online Platforms; East Asia Film and Television; Hollywood Film; Global Media Industries; Popular Culture and Digital Media, Gender and Sexuality

Major Highlights: 

Dr. Ying ZHU is the founding editor and editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed academic journal Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images. A leading expert in Chinese film and television, Her research areas encompass Chinese cinema and media, Sino-Hollywood relations, and streaming media and serial narrative. She has published four research monographs including Hollywood in China: Behind the Scenes of the World's Largest Movie Market (2022) and Two Billion Eyes: The Story of China Central Television (2013), and six co-edited books including Soft Power with Chinese Characteristics: China’s Campaign for Hearts and Minds (2019). Her first research monograph, Chinese Cinema During the Era of Reform: The Ingenuity of the System (2003) pioneered the industry analysis of Chinese film studios, with the Journal of Asian Studies calling it “a path-breaking book that initiated the institutional study of Chinese cinema.” Her second research monograph, Television in Post-Reform China: Serial Drama, Confucian Leadership and the Global Television Market together with three co-edited books—TV China(2009), TV Drama in China (2008), and Television Dramas: The US and Chinese Perspectives(2005) pioneered the subfield of Chinese TV drama studies in the West. Her work has been translated into Chinese, Dutch, French, Italian and Spanish. Zhu is a recipient of a US National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, an American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, and a Fulbright (China) Senior Research Fellowship. Appeared on NPR etc. She is currently working on a project concerning the longevity of serialized storytelling as a narrative form and format and the metamorphosis of serial and series narrative during the era of global streaming delivered by major (US) online platforms.

Previously a faculty at the City University of New York, Dr. Zhu is currently a professor in the Academy of Film at the Hong Kong Baptist University and an adjunct professor in the school of Arts at the Columbia University.


Hollywood in China: Behind the Scenes of the World’s Largest Movie Market (2022) 


2019 Soft Power with Chinese Characteristics: China’s Campaign for Hearts and Minds (Coedited with Stanley Rosen and Kingsley Edney, Routledge, 2019)

Review on The American Interest:

Two Billion Eyes: The Story of China Central Television (New York: New Press, Hardcopy in 2013; Paperback in 2014; Spanish Edition in 2015), 291



Television in Post-Reform China: Serial Dramas,Confucian Leadership and Global Television Market (London: Routledge, 2008), 176



Chinese Cinemaduring the Era of Reform:The Ingenuity of the System (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003),230



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University of Texas at Austin, Radio/Television/ Film, Ph.D.
Major National Research Awards (USA)
01/2017-06/2017 Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship (Shanghai)
01/2008-08/2008 The American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship
01-07/2006 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship
2022 Hollywood in China: Behind the Scenes of the World’s Largest Movie Market (New Press: New Press, 2022)
2019 Soft Power with Chinese Characteristics: China’s Campaign for Hearts and Minds (Coedited with Stanley Rosen and Kingsley Edney, Routledge, 2019)

Review on The American Interest: 

Two Billion Eyes: The Story of China Central Television (New York: New Press, Hardcopy in 2013; Paperback in 2014; Spanish Edition in 2015), 291


2011 Women’s Studies in the West (Lead editor, co-edited with Jieyu Liu & Yachien Huang, Beijing: People’s University Press, 2011; in Chinese), 233
2010 Art, Politics and Commerce in Chinese Cinema (lead editor, co-edited with Stanley Rosen, Hong Kong University Press, 2010), 292
2009 TV China (lead editor, co-edited with Chris Berry; Indiana University Press, 2009), 259
2008 TV drama in China (lead editor, co-edited with Michael Keane and Ruoyun Bai, Hong Kong University Press, 2008), 276
Television in Post-Reform China: Serial Dramas, Confucian Leadership and Global Television Market (London: Routledge, 2008), 176
2005 Television Dramas: the US and Chinese Perspectives (co-edited with Chungjing Qu; Shanghai: Shanlian Press, 2005; in Chinese), 569
2003 Chinese Cinema during the Era of Reform: the Ingenuity of the System (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003), 230

Refereed Journal Articles

1.   “Travel Down Memory Lane: Nostalgia and Nostophobia in Youth” Film and Media Studies (Volume 18, 2020): 9-26
2.   “Film as soft power and hard currency: The Sino-Hollywood courtship” THE ONLINE JOURNAL OF THE CHINA POLICY INSTITUTE (JULY 5, 2017): https://cpianalysis.org/2017/07/05/film-as-soft-power-and-hard-currency-the-sino-hollywood- courtship/
3.   “Corruption and It’s (dis)content: The Rise and Fall of Chinese Officialdom Television Dramas,” Screen (Oxford UP) (2016) 57 (2): 235-249: https://doi.org/10.1093/screen/hjw024
4.   “Tracing the Sino-Hollywood Relationship,” Journal of Film Culture Studies (in Chinese; Fall 2015): 185-192
5.   “The Sino-Hollywood Relationship—Then & Now,” Weber - The Contemporary West (Featured Article in Spring-Summer 2015 Film Edition of the Journal): 26-36
6.   “Live, From Beijing,” Cairo Review of Global Affairs (February 2013): http://www.aucegypt.edu/gapp/cairoreview/Pages/articleDetails.aspx?aid=296
7.   “Li Yang’s Socially Conscious Film as Marginal Cinema-- China’s State-Capital Alliance and its Cultural Ramifications,” Chinese Journal of Communication Vol 2 (2009): 212-226
8.   “Hollywood and Transnational Chinese Language Films,” Journal of Communication and Society Vol 7 (2009): 133-156 (in Chinese).
9.   “Transnational Chinese Language Cinema and Hollywood Blockbuster Films,” World Cinema Vol 3, (2008): 48-61 (in Chinese).
10.   “Transnational Circulation of Chinese Language Television Dramas,” Global Media and Communication Volume 4 (1) 2008: 61-82.
11.   “Feng Xiaogang and Chinese New Year Film,” Asian Cinema Spring & Summer, 2007: 43-64
12.   “Sun Mingjin and John Grierson, a Comparative Study of Early Chinese and British Documentary Film Movement,” Asian Cinema Spring & Summer 2006: 230-245.
13.   “Sun Mingjin and the Development of Chinese Documentary Filmmaking,” Film Art No. 2 (2006) 14-18 (in Chinese).
14.   “Yongzheng Dynasty and Chinese Primetime Television Drama,” Cinema Journal 44.4 (2005) 3-17 (lead article for this issue of CJ).
15.    The Current State of Film Theory and Practice in the West,” Contemporary Cinema 6. (2004) 26-35 (in Chinese).
16.    "Chinese Cinema’s Economic Reform from the mid 1980s to the mid 1990s," Journal of Communication 52.4 (2002) 905-921.
17.   “Commercialization and Chinese Cinema’s Post-Wave," Consumption, Markets & Culture 5.3 (2002) 187-209.
18.    "Cinematic Modernization and Chinese Cinema's First Art Wave," Quarterly Review of Film & Video 18.4 (2001) 451-471.
19.   "From New Wave to Post New Wave: Chinese Fifth Generation's Cinematic Transition," Asian Culture Quarterly 28.2 (2000) 13-48.
20.   “Commercialism and Nationalism: Chinese Cinema’s First Wave of Entertainment Films,” CineAction 47 (1998) 56-66.
21.   “Tradition in Modernity,” Asian/Pacific Journal 20.2 (1998)13-23.
22.   “Tracing the Sino-Hollywood Relationship,” In Yaping Ding (Ed.) Cinema and TV Culture (Beijing, China Film Press, 2015), 185-193.
23.   “China’s Cultural War Against the West,” In Robin Jeffrey & Ronojoy Sen (Eds.), Media at Work in China and India: Discovery and Dissection (London: Sage, 2015)
24.   “From Anticorruption to Officialdom: The Transformation of Chinese Dynasty TV Drama,” In Carlos Rojas & Eileen Cheng-yin Chow (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinemas (Oxford University Press, 2013)
25.   “Cross-Fertilization in Chinese Cinema and Television: A Strategic Turn in Cultural Policy,” in Yingjin Zhang (Ed.) Blackwell Companion to Chinese Cinema, (Blackwell Publisher, 2012)
26.   “The Evolution of Chinese Film as an Industry” (co-authored with Seio Nakajima), “The Cinematic Transition of the Fifth Generation Auteurs” (co-authored with Bruce Robinson), & “Feng Xiaogang and Chinese Domestic Box-Office Films,” in Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema, co-edited by Ying Zhu & Stanley Rosen (Hong Kong University Press, 2010).
27.    “Sun Mingjing: Pioneer of Chinese Educational Films,” in Carol Lee Hamrin (ed.) Salt and Light: Lives of Faith that Shaped Modern China (Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2009)
28.    “Global Circulation of Chinese Language TV Drama,” in Convergence and Divergence: On Chinese Film and Television Culture, co-edited by Hu Zhifeng and Dong Xiaoyu (Chongqing: Southwest Normal University Press, 2009; in Chinese).
29.   “Transnational Circulation of Chinese Language Television dramas,” in TV China, co-edited by Ying Zhu & Chris Berry (Indiana University Press, 2009).
30.   “Yongzheng Dynasty and Authoritarian Nostalgia,” in TV Drama in China, co-edited by Ying Zhu, Michael Keane, & Bai Ruoyun (Hong Kong University Press, 2008): 21-32
31.   “Cinema and Media Studies in the West,” in Communication Research in the West, co-edited by Lu Shuming and Hong Junhao (Beijing: People’s University Press, 2007) 276-296
32.   “Chinese Cinema’s Commercial Wave,” in Contemporary Chinese Cinema, edited by Luis Miranda (Granada, Spain: Festival Cines del Sur, 2007; in English & Spanish) 157-192
33.   “Sun Mingjin and Early Chinese Documentary Filmmaking” (co-authored with Tongdao Zhang), in Ombre Elettriche Cento anni di cinema cinese 1905-2005, co-edited by Marco Muller and Elena Pollacchi (Venice, Italy: Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia, 2005; in English & Italian) 64-74.
34.  “Yongzheng Dynasty and the Revisionist Qing Drama: Chinese Primetime Television’s Historical Turn” in Television Dramas: the US and Chinese Perspectives, co-edited by Qu Chunjin & Ying Zhu (Shanghai: Shanlian Press, 2005; in Chinese) 46-65.

Other Publications

Commissioned Magazine and Newspaper Articles 

1.   “The Same Old ‘China Story’ Keeps Chinese Sci-Fi Earthbound,” ChinaFile (September 30, 2019): http://www.chinafile.com/reporting-opinion/culture/same-old-china-story-keeps-chinese-sci-fi-earthbound
2.   “Can China Expand its Beachhead in Hollywood?” Foreign Policy (February 24, 2017) http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/02/24/is-the-search-for-a-china-hollywood-blockbuster-doomed- great-wall-fail/
3.   “Behind the Personality Cult of Xi Jinping: He may be China’s most powerful leader in decades. Here’s what he hopes to gain – and stands to lose.” Foreign Policy (March 8, 2016) http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/03/08/the-personality-cult-of-xi-jinping-china-leader-communist- party/
4.   “Xi Jinping: A Cult of Personality?” ChinaFile (Saturday, March 5, 2016): http://www.chinafile.com/conversation/xi-jinping-cult-personality#comment-2671
5.   “What Can “Bridge of Spies” Reveal to the Chinese About the Limits of Chinese Cinema?” Los Angeles Review of Books (Dec 30, 2015): https://lareviewofbooks.org/essay/what-can-bridge- of-spies-reveal-to-the-chinese-about-the-limits-of-chinese-cinema
6.   “Has Chinese Film Finally Produced a Real Hero?” ChinaFile (August 18, 2015): http://www.chinafile.com/reporting-opinion/culture/has-chinese-film-finally-produced-real-hero
7.   “China’s Spring Festival Gala: Political Theater Made to Party Orders” The Wall Street Journal (February 21, 2015): http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2015/02/21/chinas-spring-festival-gala- political-theater-made-to-party-orders/
8.   “国产电影真打败了好莱坞大片?” 上海观察 (Shanghai Observer; Aug 22, 2015): http://www.shobserver.com/wx/detail.do?id=6318
9.   “生活大爆炸被审查后,大众并未抵抗,” Unusual Commentaries (An online literary magazine from Beijing University; Feb 23, 2015)
10.   “How U.S. Soft Power Won the Chinese Box Office” Foreign Policy (September 6, 2014): http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/09/06/how_us_soft_power_won_chinas_box_office _transformers_4_hollywood
11.   “‘Transformers 4’ May Pander to China, But America Still Wins,” ChinaFile (Sept 4, 2014) http://www.chinafile.com/reporting-opinion/culture/transformers-4-may-pander- china-america-still-wins
12.   “After ‘Big Bang Theory’ Censorship, No Mass Viewer Revolt,” Wall Street Journal (May 19, 2014) http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2014/05/19/after-big-bang-theory-censorship-no-mass- viewer-revolt/
13.   “Why Frank Underwood is Great for China’s Soft Power,” Business Spectator (March 4, 2014) http://www.businessspectator.com.au/article/2014/3/4/china/why-frank-underwood-great-chinas- soft-power; ChinaFile (Feb 27, 2014) https://www.chinafile.com/Frank-Underwood-Great- Chinas-Soft-Power
14.   “變形金剛4向中國獻媚不遺餘力,但美國還是真正勝利的一方” The New Lens (An online magazine in Taiwan; Sept 24, 2014): http://www.thenewslens.com/post/75412
15.   “纸牌屋:弗兰克。安德伍德何以’有益于’中国软实力,” Unusual Commentaries (An online literary magazine from Beijing University; April 9, 2014): http://10jiaoyu.com/feed/10185767
16.   “中國政府為什麼不封殺紙牌屋?” The New Lens (An online magazine in Taiwan; April 1, 2014): http://www.thenewslens.com/post/32922/
17.   “Hollywood Powerhouses Meet a Sleeping Giant,” Los Angeles Times (Nov 9, 2013) http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-ca-china-essay- 20131110,0,7606609,full.story#axzz2zijIdMdd
18.   “China’s Sex and the City Film is a Great Leap Backward for Women,” The Atlantic (July 2013) http://www.theatlantic.com/china/archive/2013/07/chinas-sex-and-the-city-film-is-a-great-leap- backward-for-women/277841/
19.   “The Rite of Passage to No Where,” China File (July 2013) http://www.chinafile.com/rite- passage-nowhere
20.   “Reading Into Official Corruption” China Economic Review (July 2013) http://www.chinaeconomicreview.com/reading-official-corruption-chinese-media-officials- novels-tv-television-ying-zhu
21.   “China Travels Back Down the River” Wall Street Journal (June 14, 2013) http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/06/04/china-travels-back-down-the-river/
22.   “Reading Into Official Corruption” China Economic Review (May 27, 2013) http://www.chinaeconomicreview.com/reading-official-corruption-chinese-media-officials- novels-tv-television-ying-zhu
23.    “Domestic Drama” China Economic Review (May 2, 2013) http://www.chinaeconomicreview.com/domestic-drama
24.    “Can Hollywood Romance Chinese Film-Goers?” The Atlantic (April 25, 2013) http://www.theatlantic.com/china/archive/2013/04/can-hollywood-romance-chinese-film- goers/275313/
25.   “Will China Unchain Django?” CNN (April 17, 2013) http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2013/04/17/will-china-unchain-django/
26.   “A Beginning for China’s Battered Women,” ChinaFile (February11, 2013) http://www.chinafile.com/beginning-chinas-battered-women
27.   “Why China Struggles to Find Soft Power Voice,” CNN (February 6, 2013) http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2013/02/06/why-china-struggles-to-find-soft-power- voice/
28.   “‘Real Progress’: Parsing China’s Censorship Protests,” Wall Street Journal (January 14, 2013) http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/01/14/real-progress-parsing-chinas-censorship-protests
29.  “《小时代》:中国电影版“欲望都市”反映女性的巨大退步,” The Translation Net (A China Based website; July 17, 2013): http://article.yeeyan.org/view/374238/370175
30.  “The Inside Story of When China's State-Run TV Criticized the Party,” The Atlantic (June 2012) http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/06/the-inside-story-of-when- chinas-state-run-tv-criticized-the-party/258102/
31.  “Two Billion Eyes,” Asia Society Website (May 31, 2012): http://asiasociety.org/blog/asia/book-excerpt-two-billion-eyes-story-china-central-television- ying-zhu
32.  “The Cultivated and the Vulgar: China's Cultural War” Asian Creative Transformations (4/2/12) http://www.creativetransformations.asia/2012/04/the-cultivated-and-the-vulgar-chinas-cultural- war/
33.  “Critical Masses, Commerce, and Shifting State-Society Relations in China” China Beat (February 17, 2010): http://www.thechinabeat.org/?p=1526
34.  “The Past and Present of Shanghai and Chinese Cinema” New York Times China Studies Website (April, 2006): http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/coll-china-media-001.html
35.  “Cinematic Representation of Poverty and Widening Social Gap in Contemporary China” New York Times China Studies Website (April, 2006): http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/coll- china-media-002.html
36.  “The Confucian Tradition and Chinese Television Today” New York Times China Studies Website (April, 2006): http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/coll-china-media-003.html
37.  “The Cinematic Negotiation of Chinese Identity” New York Times China Studies Website (April, 2006): http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/coll-china-media-004.html
38.  “Chinese TV Dramas: Will Confucius Save the Day?” AsiaMedia (February 7, 2006): http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=38580


2021 “From Hollywood to Soviet Model: Building a Socialist Chinese Cinema” In Michaela Praisler and Oana Celia Gheorghiu (eds.) The Odyssey of Communism: Visual Narratives, Memory and Culture (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, forthcoming in 2021).
2020 “China’s Cultural Power Reconnects with the World,” in Daya Thussu & Kaarle Nordenstreng (Eds.) BRICS and Shifting Paradigms of Global Communication (Routledge, 2020, forthcoming)
2019 “The Battle of Images: Cultural Diplomacy and Sino-Hollywood Negotiation,” in Stanley Rosen, Kingsley Edney, & Ying Zhu (Eds.) Soft Power with Chinese Characteristics: China’s Campaign for Hearts and Minds (Routledge, 2019)
“Chinese Television: Control and Expansion,” in Shawn Shimpach (Ed.) Routledge Companion to Global Television (Routledge, 2019)
“China’s Entertainment Industry,” in Paolo Sigismondi (Ed.) World Entertainment Media: Global, Regional and Local Perspectives (Routledge, 2019)
2015 “China’s Cultural War Against the West,” In Robin Jeffrey & Ronojoy Sen (Eds.), Media at Work in China and India: Discovery and Dissection (London: Sage, 2015)
2013 “From Anticorruption to Officialdom: The Transformation of Chinese Dynasty TV Drama,” In Carlos Rojas & Eileen Cheng-yin Chow (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinemas (Oxford University Press, 2013)
2012 “Cross-Fertilization in Chinese Cinema and Television: A Strategic Turn in Cultural Policy,” in Yingjin Zhang (Ed.) Blackwell Companion to Chinese Cinema, (Blackwell Publisher, 2012)
2010 “The Evolution of Chinese Film as an Industry” (co-authored with Seio Nakajima), “The Cinematic Transition of the Fifth Generation Auteurs” (co-authored with Bruce Robinson), & “Feng Xiaogang and Chinese Domestic Box-Office Films,” in Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema, co-edited by Ying Zhu & Stanley Rosen (Hong Kong University Press, 2010)
General Press/Media Interview/Quotes
2020 Interviewed and quoted in Naomi Xu Elegant, “Disney tailored ‘Mulan’ for China: It still ‘never had a chance’ at the mainland box office,” Fortune (September 20, 2020): https://fortune.com/2020/09/20/disney-mulan-2020-china-box-office-flop/
Interviewed and quoted in Lily Kuo (2020) “Cute but cruel': The crime drama hailed a Chinese TV milestone” The Guardian (10 July): https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/10/cute-but-cruel-the-drama-hailed-a-chinese-tv-milestone-hidden-corner
Interview and quoted in Alex Colville (2020) “Coronavirus deals a blow to China’s film industry Prospero,” The Economist (Jan 31): https://www.economist.com/prospero/2020/01/31/coronavirus-deals-a-blow-to-chinas-film-Industry
2019 Interviewed in Scott Tong, “Hollywood, Navy accused of caving to China's censorship – Marketplace,” Market Place (US) National Public Radio (Nov 21, 2019): https://www.marketplace.org/2019/11/21/hollywood-u-s-navy-accused-of-caving-to-chinese-censorship/
Quoted in Elaine Yau, “Golden Horse Awards boycott: why it will be business as usual between China, Taiwan film industries,” South China Morning Post (September 12, 2019): https://www.scmp.com/print/lifestyle/entertainment/article/3026745/golden-horse-awards-boycott-why-it-will-be-business-usual
2018 Quoted in Su Xingqi, “Hong Kong’s film and TV industry after 40 years of China’s opening up and reform: once ‘Hollywood of the East’, does future now lie in being mainland’s supporting cast?” South China Morning Post Nov 30, 2018 (https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/2175516/hong-kongs-film-and-tv-industry-after-40-years-chinas-opening)
Quoted in Lasse Karner “'' Black Panther 'addressed key issues such as freedom and rights we Asians got a film about the rich'” Information September 7, 2018 (https://www.information.dk/kultur/anmeldelse/2018/09/black-panther-tog-fat-paa-vigtige-temaer-frihed-rettigheder-asiater-fik-film-rige)
Quoted in Amy Chin, “‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Has Soared, but It May Not Fly in China” New York Times September 6, 2018: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/06/world/asia/crazy-rich-asians-china.html
Interview with Pascal Blum “"Crazy Rich Asians", Asian-Americans get their own love comedy.” Tages-Anzeiger August 30, 2018 (https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/kultur/kino/Fast-erzamerikanisch/story/14373975) & "The enthusiasm is great, the success as well”(https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/kultur/kino/Fast-erzamerikanisch/story/14373975)
2017 Featured guests with Frances Hisgen on NPR’s “Here and Now” show aired on WBUR in Boston and WNYC in New York on August 24, 2017: http://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2017/08/24/ode-to-joy-china
Quoted in Vanita Kohli-Khandekar, “How Dangal made it big in China,” Business Standard May 17, 2017: http://www.business-standard.com/article/specials/how-dangal-made-it-big-in- china-117051700490_1.html
Quoted in Lasse Karner, “I would hope that the Chinese will one day become less thin-skinned and able to withstand criticism or at least to be made fun of,” Berlingske (A Danish Newspaper; January 27, 2017): http://www.b.dk/nationalt/kinesiske-film-skal-ses-i-biografen
Quoted in Amy Qin “Pander or Diversify? Hollywood Courts China With ‘The Great Wall’ The New York Times.” New York Times (Jan. 19, 2017) https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/19/movies/the-great-wall-matt-damon-chinese-box- office.html
Quoted in Hinnerk Feldwisch-Drentrup, “As China became Hollywood's movie police,” http://www.br.de/puls/china-zensur-hollywood-100.html
2016 Appeared on “Market Place,” National Public Radio, Nov 4, 2016: https://www.marketplace.org/2016/11/04/world/chinese-firm-wanda-buy-dick-clark-productions
Appeared on “Morning Edition,” National Public Radio, Nov 4, 2016: http://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2016/11/04/500543994/chinese-mogul-buys-dick-clark-productions-his-latest-u-s-purchase
Quoted in Fergus Ryan, “China’s Anti-Corruption Drive Moves into Television Dramas,” China Film Insider (April 26th, 2016): http://chinafilminsider.com/china-anti-corruption-drive- moves-television-dramas/
Appeared in the segment “What China’s Ban On Gay TV Characters Says About The Government” of NPR’s Here and There program (Friday, March 18, 2016) http://hereandnow.wbur.org/2016/03/18/china-new-tv-content-rules
Quoted in Gerry Shih and Aritz Parra, “Chinese Propaganda Machine Places Hopes in Cartoon Rappers,” New York Times (March4, 2016): http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2016/03/04/world/asia/ap-as-china-cartoons-for-communism.html?_r=0
Quoted in Julie Makinen, “China's Wanda in talks to buy Legendary Entertainment,” Los Angeles Times (January 5, 2016): http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la- et-ct-wanda-in-talks-to-buy-legendary-entertainment-20160104-story.html
2015 Quoted in Julie Makinen, “China seeks to turn entertainers into moral models,” Los Angeles Times (December 21, 2015): http://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-china-celebrities-drugs- 20151221-story.html
Quoted in Jane Perlez, “The Last Reservoir of Glamour From China’s ‘Four Great Actresses’” New York Times (11/30/15): http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/01/world/asia/the-last-reservoir-of-glamour-fromchinas-four-great-actresses.html?_r=0
Quoted in Christopher Zara, “Hollywood Studios Are Self-Censoring Movies To Appease Communist Censors in China, Says US Report,” International Business Times (November 11, 2015) http://www.ibtimes.com/hollywood-studios-are-self-censoring-movies-appease- communist-censors-china-says-us-2163232
Interviewed by and quoted in a U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Report, “Directed by Hollywood, Edited by China: http://origin.www.uscc.gov/sites/default/files/Research/Directed%20by%20Hollywood%20Edited%20by%20China.pdf
Interviewed and quoted in “Made-in-China movie draws fire as a copycat of Pixar's 'Cars',” Los Angeles Times (July 21, 2015) http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-china-animation-plagarism-cars-pixar-20150721-story.html#page=1
“Hollywood swoons for China's money,” quoted by Reuters (June 18, 2015) https://au.news.yahoo.com/hollywood-swoons-for-chinas-money-28493653.html
“China has Hollywood-size ambitions for film industry,” quoted by Bill Savadove, Agence France-Presse (June 18, 2015) http://www.interaksyon.com/entertainment/china-has- hollywood-size-ambitions-for-film-industry/
“How China Censors Influence Hollywood,” interview concerning Hollywood’s China Market on NPR’s “Morning Edition,” (May 15, 2015): http://www.npr.org/player/v2/mediaPlayer.html?action=1&t=1&islist=false&id=407619652&m=407619653; http://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2015/05/18/407619652/how-chinas-censors-influence-hollywood
Appeared on the Current Affair’s TV program “Listening Post,” Al Jazeera English (Feb 28, 2015), commenting on Chinese Television’s Spring Festival Gala Program
Being interviewed and quoted in Spanish Newspaper “El espectáculo televisivo más visto del mundo... pero ya menos,” El Pais (February 19, 2015; in Spanish): http://cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2015/02/19/television/1424372585_128118.html
Quoted in “Hollywood’s localization strategy working in China, but for how long?” China Daily (Jan 23, 2015): http://blog.chinadaily.com.cn/blog-1151031-26454.html
“朱影:中国电影需要不被国家诉求压垮的叙事世界——美国 2015 电影掠影,” Featured year end interview with Unusual Commentaries (A prominent literary magazine out of Beijing University; Jan 4, 2015; in Chinese)
2014 “Tiny Times: China’s Sex and the City?” Interviewed & Quoted in BBC (Aug 11, 2014): http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20140811-chinas-sex-and-the-city
“House of Cadres: China Cracks Down on US TV,” Interviewed & Quoted in Agence France- Presse (May 09, 2014 14:09): http://www.samachar.com/house-of-cadres-china-cracks-down- on-us-tv-ofjoNLhhffi.html
Appeared on a podcast about Soft Power produced by the Wilton Park Conference in UK, together with Katherine Brown, Executive Director, United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, US State Department, and Jennyfer Salvo Cofman, Director, Smartlanding, Chile: https://www.wiltonpark.org.uk/podcast/soft-power/
2013 Quoted in “Chinese firm gives $20 million to Motion Picture Academy's film museum.vDalian Wanda Group, which bought AMC Theatres last year, seeks to boost its profile in the U.S.” by Nicole Sperling, Los Angeles Times (September 18, 2013): http://articles.latimes.com/2013/sep/18/entertainment/la-et-mn-academy-museum-wanda-20130918
2014 Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore, “China Cuts Down the Foreign Fun,” Asia Times (2/24/12) (http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/NB24Ad01.html)
“China: From Cartier to Confucius,” Backlight Panel at the VPRO Book Festival in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (June 3, 2012)
2007 Appeared as an expert commenting on the Chinese film, “Blind Shaft” in a thirty minutes TV program on Chinese cinema produced by CUNY-TV, Sept 2007
2005 “You Have Come a Long Way, Baby: Chinese Cinema Blows Out 100 Candles,” Interviewed by Thomas Podvin, That’s Shanghai December, 2005 (An Online Chinese lifestyle magazine in English)
Appeared as a discussion guest in two thirty minutes television show on Chinese cinema produced by CUNY-TV, summer 2005
Interviewed and led the discussion with the renowned Chinese filmmaker Xie Jin for a screening event honoring Xie Jin’s filmmaking career at the Asia Society in New York, October 22, 2005
Professional Organization of Conferences and Symposia
2021 Chair & Discussant, “The internet and articulations of sexuality in East and Southeast Asia,” Association for Asian Studies 2021 Conference (March 21-26, 2021); Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference (March 2021) 
2020 Convener, Global Storytelling Symposium at the Hong Kong Baptist University, January 28-30, 2020
2017 Organizer and Chair of the Panel “Between Neoliberalism and Postsocialism: Contestations and Negotiations in the Chinese Mediasphere,” Association for Asian Studies in Asia Annual Conference, Seoul, Korea, June 24-27, 2017
2016 Organizer of the panel, “European cinema and its transnational connections” at the NECS (European Networks for Cinema and Media Studies) 2016 Conference in Potsdam, Germany, 28–30 July 2016
Organizer & Chair of the panel, “Revolution and Critique in Asian Literature” at the conference, “Translation Theory Today: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Critical Theory,” at the CUNY Graduate Center, May 5-6, 2016
Co-organizer (with Dudley Andrew and Ronald Gregg) and keynote speaker of the film symposium, “Chinese Cinema to and beyond Hollywood” at the Yale University, April 14-15, 2016
2013 Organized and Chaired the panel, “the Prominence and Relevance of Serial Tele-Drama as Business, History and Politics: a Global Snapshot,” European Network for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference in Milano, Italy, June 19-21
Co-organized an American Council of Learned Societies workshop, “China Margin” at the College of Staten Island, May 2013
2009 Organized and chaired the panel, “Chinese Television and Society” for Society for Cinema and Media Studies Tokyo Conference, May 2009
Organized the panel, “The Evolution of Chinese Central Television” for Association for Asia Studies Chicago Conference, March 2009
2006 Organized and Chaired the panel, “The Global World and China’s Media Environment” for 2006 China Forum on Mass Communication in Shenzhen, Aug 17-19, 2006.
2005 Organized a Chinese Film Symposium that brings together distinguished scholars of Chinese Cinema to the College of Staten Island for a day and half exchange on the history and current state of Chinese cinema, October 2005; Presenting a paper, “Sun Mingjin and Early Chinese Documentary filmmaking.”
Organized and chaired a panel, “The Case of a Shifting Chinese Media Landscape: Policies and Their Ramifications” for International Communication Association’s 2005 New York Conference, May 2005
Organized and chaired a panel, “Chinese Language Costume Drama” for Society for Cinema and Media Studies 2005 London Conference, March-April 2005; I also presented a paper, “Exporting History: The Transnational Success of Chinese Historical Drama Serial”
Conference Panelist/Chair/Discussant/Keynote
2020 Keynote speech, “Travel Down the Memory Lane: Nostalgia and Nostophobia in Youth,” Thirty Years Since the Fall of Communism: Visual Narratives, Memory and Culture, University of Galati, Romania (Nov 21-22, 2019)
“Internet Film or Film on the Internet,” International Conference on Digital Media and Communication, Chengdu, PR China (July 5, 2019)
“Chinese or Global Cinema?” International Conference on Chinese Cinema in the 21st Century, Fujian Normal University (May 10-12, 2019)
Moderated post-screening discussion of Christian Frey’s Documentary Giant Buddha Hong Kong Arts Centre (February 17, 2019): https://www.hkac.org.hk/calendar_detail/?u=Nfyp_fha6IY
2018 “Film and Storytelling” Conference on the Moral and Ethical Dimensions of Film Narrative, Shanghai Film Academy. Shanghai, December 16, 2018
2017 Discussant for the book The Sound of Salt-Forming at the 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) annual conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 20-23, 2017
2016 “Serial Drama and Global TV,” International Association of Media and Communication Research at the University of Leicester, UK. July 2016
“Theorizing Soft Power,” Soft Power Conference organized by Columbia University’s Beijing Center, June 2016
Discussant for a panel chaired by Jerome Silbergeld, “Media Culture in Cold War China,” Association for Asia Studies Annual Conference, Seattle, March 31-April 3, 2016
Panelist for a Workshop chaired by Jonathan Gray, “The Other Distributors: Sharers’, Pirates’, Recommenders’, and Renters’ Roles in Global Media” for the Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference, Atlanta, March 30 to April 3, 2016
2015 Panelist together with Kathleen McLaughlin of Science magazine, Sarah Cook of Freedom House, and Jerome A. Cohen of New York University School of Law and co-director of its U.S.-Asia Law Institute for a discussion concerning Media and Politics under Xi Jinping at Club Quarters co-hosted by the Overseas Press Club, Freedom House, and the Winston Lord Roundtable on American Foreign Policy and the Rule of Law in Asia moderated by William J. Holstein, Overseas Press Club Board of Governors member. May 18, 2015
“Global Muckraking: 100 Years of Investigative Reporting from Around the World,” a joint conversation with Anya Schiffrin, director of the International Media, Advocacy and Communications specialization at Columbia University’s School of International Affairs, Andrew W. Lehren of The New York Times investigative reporter, and Prue Clarke, Director of the CUNY J-School International Reporting Program. CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, April 16, 2015
Chair & Discussant of the panel “Film & Soft Power,” Association for Asia Studies Annual Conference, Chicago, March 2015
2016 “Foreign Media Reception,” invited panelist at the China-US Symposium, The Fletcher School of International Relations, Tufts University, April 17-19, 2014: http://www.tuftsgloballeadership.org/2014-china-us-symposium
“Soft Power and Hard Currency,” Invited Speaker at the “Soft power in Action” Conference at the Wilton Park, UK, Feb 3-5, 2014
“Chinese TV and Film,” Invited panel dialogue with Jerome Cohen at the NYU US-Asia Law Center, Jan 23, 2014.
“Film as Soft Power and Hard Currency,” International Association for Media and Communication Research Annual Conference in Hyderabad, India, July 15-19, 2014.
“Chinese Cyber-Nationalism,” Association for the Study of Nationalities Conference, Columbia University, April 24-26, 2014
Featured speaker at the Conference, “Transitions and Transactions II: Literature and Creative Writing Pedagogies in Community Colleges conference,” New York, April 25-27, 2014
“Sino-Hollywood Courtship,” Association for Asian Studies Conference in Philly, March 27- 30, 2014
Respondent to the panel “Movie-going Cultures and Film Exhibition in China,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies conference in Seattle, March 2014
2010 Invited Panel Member for “China Online” at the 10th Asian American International Film Festival in New York, 2010
2005 “Feng Xiaogang and Chinese Domestic Blockbuster Films,” invited speaker for the International Film Forum for the Centennial Anniversary of Chinese Cinema organized by the China Film Bureau, Beijing, December 10-13, 2005.
2004 “A Comparative Study of TV Drama,” “Wither Film Theory” International Conference June 2004, Shanghai, China.
“Costume Drama and Chinese Primetime Television,” Annual Conference of Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Atlanta, March 2004.
“Qing Drama and the Transformation of Chinese Primetime Television Drama,” 56th Annual Conference of Association for Asian Studies, San Diego, March 2004.
2003 "Yongzheng Dynasty and Chinese Primetime Television Dramas," New England Association for Asian Studies 2003 Conference at Harvard University, October 2003.
"Recent Mainland Chinese Primetime Costume Drama," The Third International Convention of Asia Scholars in Singapore, August 2003.
"Chinese Primetime Costume Drama: the (Ir)Relevance of History," Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Honolulu Conference, June 2003.
"The Cross-fertilization of Chinese Film and Television Industries," Asian Cinema Studies Society's 2003 Seattle Conference, May 30 to June 1, 2003.
1999 “Commercialism and Nationalism: Chinese Cinema’s First Wave of Entertainment Films,” The Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference in Boston, April 1999.
1998 “Concubine Film: Americanization of Chinese Art Cinema?” The Screen Annual Conference in Glasgow, July 1998.
"Recent Mainland Chinese Primetime Costume Drama," The Third International Convention of Asia Scholars in Singapore, August 2003.
“Farewell My Concubine and Post New Wave," The Second Annual Crossroads International Cultural Conference in Tampere (Finland), June 1998.
“Quality TV and the X-Files,” The Popular Cultural Association/American Cultural Association Annual Conference in Orlando, April 1998.

Majoe Academic Lectures & Public Talks since 2010

2020 Invited speaker, “American and Chinese Film Industries Through Two World Wars,” Columbia University (December 11, 2020)
2019 Invited speaker, “The Politics and Optics of Sino-Hollywood Negotiation: Trade War, Elections, and Hong Kong,” The Graduate Center at the City University of New York (December 6, 2019): https://pcp.gc.cuny.edu/2019/11/12-06-the-politics-of-sino-hollywood-negotiation-trumps-trade-war-presidential-elections-and-hong-kong/
Invited Speaker, “Travel Down Memory Lane: Nostalgia and Nostophobia in Youth,” University Sapientiae, Cluj-Napoca, Romania ((Nov 25, 2019)
Faculty Forum Speaker with Mike Chinoy as a discussant, “Sino-Hollywood Negotiation and Hong Kong” October 30, 2019. Hong Kong Baptist University
Invited speaker, “TRUMP’S TRADE WAR AND SINO-HOLLYWOOD NEGOTIATION” at the Fairbank Center, Harvard University, Oct 2, 2019: https://fairbank.fas.harvard.edu/events/ying-zhu-sino-hollywood-relations-critical-issues-confronting-china-series/
Invited Speaker, “The China-Hollywood Dance” at the Young China Watchers’ Hong Kong Office, January 15, 2019: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ycw-hk-the-china-hollywood-dance-tickets-54127565004
2018 Invited Speaker: “American Film History and Appreciation,” Shandong University, Shandong Normal University, Shandong Arts and Crafts College, December 21, 2018
Invited Speaker, “The Battle of Images” Department of Sociology, the Hong Kong Baptist University, November 2018
Invited speaker, “Film as Soft Power and Hard Currency,” School of Communication, Fujian Normal University, Xiamen Science and Technology University & Xiamen Huaqiao University 2018
2017 Invited Speaker, “US and Asia: Leadership in a Time of Change” at the Future of Asia Conference organized by Los Angeles World Affair’s Council, Santa Monica, September 14- 15, 2017: http://futureofasia.org/
Invited Speaker, “Film as Soft Power and Cultural Currency,” Communication University of Zhejiang, China, July 2017
Invited Speaker, “Corruption and Its Discontent: Chinese Anti-corruption TV Drama,” Hong Kong Baptist University, April 2017
Invited Speaker, “Sino-Hollywood Relation,” Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hainan Normal University, Anhui University, Beijing Normal University, Sun Yatshin University, National Taiwan University of Arts, March 2017
Invited Speaker, “Sino-Hollywood Relation,” School of Communication and Media Studies at the Hong Kong Baptist University, Feb 2017
Invited Speaker, “Film as Soft Power and Hard Currency,” Translation Program at the Hong Kong University, Jan 2017
2016 Invited speaker for the panel, “Hollywood and Beijing,” at the Symposium organized by the New American Foundations, “Trade, War, and China in the 21st Century Beyond TPP – Does America Need a New Global Strategy?” Washington DC, September 21, 2016
“Film and Soft Power,” East Asia Studies Program at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, July 2016
“Film as Soft Power and Hard Currency: The Sino-Hollywood Relation,” Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University of Communication and Media, June 2016
“Sino-Hollywood Relation,” A Talk given to the Film Studies Program at the Yale University, April 14, 2016
“Sino-Hollywood relations, Then and Now,” a talk given at the “The Media History of Identity and Place” Symposium hosted by The International Association for Media and History at the University of Southern California on January 8, 2016
2015 “Film as Soft Power and Hard Currency: The Sino-Hollywood Relation,” Fudan University, Nanjing University, Beijing University, Chinese Academy of Arts, Communication University of China. June-July 2015
“Soft Power & China Central Television,” Talk given at the Columbia Journalism School,December 2014 & February 2015
“Chinese Serial Television Drama,” Presentation at the Symposium on Global Serial TV Drama at the CUNY Graduate Center, April 2015
“Film as Soft Power and Hard Currency: The Sino-Hollywood Courtship,” talk at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of China (FCCC), Shanghai, Jan 19, 2015 & talk at the FCCC Beijing hosted by the Canadian Embassy, Jan 16, 2015
“Strange Bedfellows: The Sino-Hollywood Relation,” Talk given at the Ningbo University, Jan 12, 2015
2014 “Chinese Media Censorship,” a talk co-sponsored by CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, CUNY Interactive Technology an Pedagogy Certificate Program at the CUNY Graduate Center, April 30, 2014: http://centerforthehumanities.org/events/Chinese-Media-Censorship
“China Central Television and Chinese Soft Power,” Invited talk at the University of Temple, March 31, 2014
“Chinese Media and Society,” Invited talks at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, March 14- 24, 2014
2013 “Chinese media and society,” Invited talks at Taiwan National United University, National Chung Hsing University, and Tamkang University, Nov 2013
“Chinese TV and Media,” Invited talk at the US-China Institute, Annenberg School of Communication, The University of Southern California (Sept 5, 2013)
“Hollywood and Chinese Films,” Invited talk at Center for the Pacific Rim, the University of San Francisco (Sept 3, 2013): https://www.usfca.edu/center-asia-pacific/events/2013/
“China Central Television,” Invited talk at the Journalism School, Columbia University (Jan 31, 2013)
“The Sino-Hollywood Courtship,” Invited speaker at the Conference, “The Intellectual Foundations of Global Commerce and Communications,” Harvard University (March 28-29, 2013)
“Film as Soft Power and Hard Currency,” A talk jointly organized by the Young China Watchers and the Hopkins Center in Shanghai, Shanghai (July 2013)
2012 “China’s Cultural War,” Invited talk at the Columbia Seminar on China, Columbia University (Nov 15, 2012)
“The Revival of Confucianism in China,” keynote speech at the Pace University, Oct 5, 2012
2011 “Google China Standoff,” invited talk at Pace University, May 2011
“Chinese Dynasty Drama as Political Discourse,” Invited speaker at the “the Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinemas Workshop” at Duke University, April 15-16, 2011
“Mainstream/Professional vs. Marginal/Amateur?” Association for Asian Studies 2011 Conference, Hawaii, March 2011
“A Date with Luyu and Glocal Talk,” Invited speaker at the workshop, “Global Oprah: Celebrity as Transnational Icon,” Yale University, February 25-26, 2011
“The Cross-fertilization of Chinese Film and TV Industries: The Case of CCTV's Movie Channel," Invited keynote speaker for a Joint Conference sponsored by University of Nottingham and Tsinghua University, “International Seminar for Cinema and Television Art and Industry in 3-D Age,” Beijing, January 11-12, 2011
“Chinese Officialdom TV Dramas,” Media and Culture in Contemporary China Conference UCLA-USC Joint East Asian Studies Center, October 2011
2010 “Google, Avatar, and China’s State-Society Relationship,” Invited Talk at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, August, 2010
“Google, Avatar, and China Online,” Invited talk at the Princeton University, April 28, 2010
“Chinese Television and the Transformation of Chinese Society,” Invited talk at Google, Inc. (Manhattan), February 22, 2010
2009 “Historical Drama on Chinese Television,” Invited talk at the China Institute, New York, March 2009
“Thinking About Chinese Media Studies,” Keynote speech at the “Chinese Media Symposium,” University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, September 2009
“Sun Mingjin and Early Chinese Educational Films,” invited talk at the Asian American/Asian Research Institute, New York, September 2009
2008 “Transnational Circulation of Chinese Language Dramas,” Invited keynote speech at the 5th Chinese Film and Television Higher Education Summit, Chongqing, China, Nov 7-9, 2008
“Transnational Chinese Language Films,” invited speech at Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, May 2008
Li Yang and Marginal Films,” invited speech at China Film Archive, Beijing, April 2008 “Hollywood Storytelling,” invited speech at Beijing Normal University, April 2008 “Transnational Chinese Language Films,” invited speech at Beijing University, April 2008 “Film Theory in the West,” invited speech at Tsinghua University, April 2008
“Between the Mainstream and the Marginal: the State-Media Relationship in China and its Cultural Ramifications,” invited speaker for an international symposium, “Media Marketization in China: A Contested Project from the Communication Perspective” organized by Centre for Media and Communication, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University, March 14-15, 2008
Zhang Yimou, Oscar, and the Crouching Tigers of Global Film,” Invited participant of a workshop, “Transnational Chinese Language Film” organized by the School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 14-February 13, 2008
2007 “Sun Mingjin’s Legacy,” invited speaker for “Modern China Workshop” at the Yale University, December 2007
“History as Political Discourse: History as Political Discourse: Dynastic and Contemporary Anti-Corruption Dramas,” invited speaker for “Modern China Workshops” at the Yale University, March 5, 2007
“Feng Xiaogang and Chinese New Year Films,” CUNY Film and Media Lecture Series, Film Certificate Program, Graduate Center of the City University of New York, March 23, 2007
2006 “China’s Entertainment Industry,” invited speaker for “The China Industry Conference” at Yale University organized by the China Initiative at the Yale School of Management Sponsored by the Kwok Foundation and the Sunrise Foundation, April 21 – 22, 2006.
“Chinese New Year Film and Hollywood Event Film,” invited speaker for International Symposium, “The Future of Chinese Cinema,” April 1-3, 2006, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
2005 "Costume Drama and the Transformation of Chinese Primetime TV," The Asian American/Asian Research Institute, New York, April 15, 2005