Academy of Film’s delegation visit to the United States


Organized by the Academy of Film of the school of communication, a delegation visit to the United States was held during Easter (March 31 – April 7). The Academy was in collaboration with the two renowned film schools, Department of Visual Arts of Emerson College and Hunter College of The City University of New York(CUNY). A screening followed by a discussion was held at each school featuring short films on the theme of ‘Home’.

Displayed films covered various genres such as fiction, documentary, experimental and animation. Participants exchanged views on numerous topics like culture, living environment, sense of identity and etc. Mr Sham Kwan Yin, a year 3 undergraduate student, mentioned that the theme of “Home” had sparked interesting discussion among students with different backgrounds.

The delegation also visited another top film school, Tisch School of New York University, Harvard University and some art museums like Museum of Fine Arts Boston and Museum of Modern Arts (MoMA).

Representatives of the Emerson College will be attending the screening and discussion on April 13 2018 at CVA 104. All are welcome.