
Film and Television Concentration is to equip students with the knowledge required to develop careers in the creative industries, such as audio-visual production, digital animation, interactive gaming, visual design and media- or arts-related administration.

Film and TV concentration

Film and Television Concentration provides comprehensive training in film and television, with attention to relevant areas of theory, history, and practice.

We offer two options: “Professional Option” and “Liberal Studies Option”.

Professional Option 
The Professional Option aims to strengthen both professional and conceptual education of film students. It provides year one students film education in both history of film and film production. It also provides solid training in film production by making editing, script writing and directing core courses of the programme in progressive learning manner as well as to strengthen both fiction and non-fiction film making education and to nurture all rounded film makers. The Professional Option offers more courses on film theory and criticism, film history and film studies to enhance film literacy, and to prepare students with theoretical interests to pursue postgraduate education in film studies. Meanwhile, it adds more major elective units for students to mix and match among the diversity of the major elective list according to student’s interest in film studies in theory and practice.

Liberal Studies Option
The Liberal Studies Option engages to the whole person development.

Animation and Media Arts concentration

The Animation and Media Arts Concentration offers a comprehensive curriculum of animation and media arts, with a focus on digital animation. The curriculum comprises foundational courses in storytelling, visual arts and creative thinking, as well as advanced courses in digital animation. Students can also choose to specialize in selected areas such as interactive media, game and graphic design through a wide range of advanced level courses.

  Career prospects

Career prospects for graduates of the Film Major include creative content industries, such as network TV, film, broadcasting, cable TV, multimedia, animation, online and interactive application development, visual graphic design and creative communication, and other sectors involved in the use of electronic image-sound media, such as public relations and advertising, IT, education, publishing, corporate communication, arts and media administration and management and journalism.